tulips_and_tea Member


  • There are a couple different apps specifically for planks that you can download on your phone. I use them regularly. They are progressive and teach all the different variations, which is important for progress.
  • "Yeah, it's "nice" to know I have it in me to put in the hard work to get what I have", is what I'd like to say to this type of comment, but I have yet to do so out loud.
  • Are you certain this is due to hunger? Good that you've had blood tests and are looking into it medically. "Growling" could be digestive grumbling to do some digestive issues. Also, acid reflex feels like hunger to some people. Just thought I'd toss those ideas into the ring. Hope you find something that helps!
  • Good advice has been given so far, especially about changing habits. Habits CAN be changed. Yes, it's difficult at first, but well worth it. Also, you may want to keep reminding yourself that your newly repaired spine will recover better and will be better in the long run if your body has less weight to carry. Super that…
  • "Healthier" is up to each of us to determine personally. However, for ME, in this case, freshly caught fish would be determined as "healthier" than store bought chicken breasts. Personal opinion only. Not fact based. I'd enjoy every one of them! Although not at the same time. You should get several delicious meals from…
  • Both a healthy diet (noun, not verb) and regular activity are important for overall health, so I don't understand the "one or the other" option. "Both", as the PP noted.
  • I'm the opposite as far as activity level, but I don't gain and lose seasonally. I maintain year-round. However, the heat in summer makes cardio more difficult for me because I prefer outdoor workouts and struggle to put in time on the boring treadmill when I'd rather be out in nature. So, I shift to mainly lifting and…
  • If you're wanting to improve all of your diets, then I'd steer clear of "kid friendly" searches. Start small and set the example. Don't make a big deal of it and don't turn it into a battle. As the previous poster said, start leaving out fruit and have fresh veggies ready in the fridge. Serve those along with your current…
  • Due to some stressful circumstances a few months ago, I unintentionally lost a few pounds. I was losing energy and knew I needed to eat more. I used that as a time to focus on the quality of food I was eating. I've always been low carb, high protein, but I started experimenting with new (to me) and different types of food.…
  • Core and shoulders. Core because no matter how many planks and variations I do they are always a challenge! Shoulders because that's where I see results the fastest, so it keeps me motivated. And yes, it appears OP's profile pic is in fact nude.
  • Same! I just read a headline on MSN.com about something unusual someone saw at an airport and "people are shook". Eh, no. I know that one has been around for a while, though. This thread has been quite interesting, though. Leave it to MFP peeps to have an in-depth conversation about a fictional family and where they…
  • Same. I dislike the feeling of sweating as well, but I know it's important in keeping me cool while working out. Also, whether it's true or not, I've convinced myself that it's a way to cleanse my skin from the inside out. Helps me get through a sweaty workout and then it feels SO good to take a nice, cool shower…
  • I go straight to the gym after work, which is 3 blocks from my office. So, even on bad weather days I have no excuse to not go. Gym bag is packed the night before and just the "ritual" of leaving work (stressful part of the day is over) and getting to switch to ME time for the next couple hours is all the motivation I need.
  • Your arms aren't big at all. I agree with the other posters re: weightlifting. Done consistently over time it makes a big difference. Also, the suggestion about paying attention to posture is also very important. Oh, and put on that tiara on the counter in the background and celebrate having a healthy, functioning body!
  • What's the verdict / opinion on these, please? Unless I missed it. If so, my apologies. I've tried a few substitutes for Doritos and haven't found one I like yet.
  • By reading labels on everything. Sodium is found in so many products that you wouldn't expect. I love my salty foods but I DO try to keep it at a moderate level just for health reasons.
  • Yes, exactly the same for me, too. I've had my belly button pierced 4 times over the span of 20-ish years because it just grows itself out and completely heals within a year or two. It's very odd so I'm glad I'm not the only one this happens to!
  • I felt like this quite a bit when my son was a teenager. He had different reasons than your kids do for lashing out at me, but after a while I finally understood WHY I was the one he lashed out at. It's because he knew that no matter what I'd always be there for him. I wasn't going anywhere (unlike his absent father). He…
  • I was with you 100% until the last line. Nothing wrong with it! To each their own. I like to buy, prepare and cook my own food but I make it special at home. Make a plate, peaceful environment, my own choice of beverage, quiet music, etc. Either way, I too share the unpopular opinion that eating home made food is better…
  • Good for you! I had a mini vacation myself last weekend and walked a LOT. It was tiring but felt good at the same time. Also, it's the best way to explore a new area. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
  • Funny that this thread was revived today because just 5 minutes ago I was told I need to eat a Whopper. It came from a client whom I truly like and is a good person. No offense taken by my part. I know I'm healthy and I'm comfortable with myself. I think I depends on the intent of the person making the comment but we can…
  • I love the gym and the gym environment, so I can relate somewhat. I tend to neglect lifting regularly sometimes but once I hit the gym and see all the other peeps hitting the weights, it's re-energizing. For now, can you find You Tube videos for weight and/or cardio workouts? There are LOTS of super strong, fit women to…
  • I agree with trying the wife doctor first. She's probably going to inherit a lot of her husband's patients so will probably learn more about sports medicine along the way.
  • Longer flights are tough but the safety of pets come first. Thank you for the info! I've never flown with pets but it's good that you already have experience with it. I'm sure your kitties will be grateful!
  • How will your kitties handle the international move? You'll be able to have them with you, right? Just curious as an animal lover myself.
  • Yes, (13,000 per day) but I keep in mind that balance is important. I don't let myself get so focused on hitting my step goal every day that I neglect lifting and yoga. It can be tough because I like when I have a several day or week long stretch when I hit my steps but for me, lifting and yoga are just as important.
  • Very true.
  • It's great that last year you improved your eating habits, took daily walks and started lifting but you don't have to do all of that all at once to lose the weight again. You have a lot going on. Keep it simple. Eat what you've been eating but reduce portions. Walk or lift when you can but when you can't do not consider it…
  • Exactly! Congratulations! If you don't have your head in the game you'll never succeed. This is exactly what @ninerbuff posted about a few days ago on the Motivation and Support board. For some reason the thread got derailed and didn't get the attention it deserved. How you succeeded is by having the right mindset and…
  • You're not alone! I think we all have days like that. Like you said, just keep keeping on and don't let this feeling ruin your day. It will pass.