Your current way of eating and lifestyle are quite interesting. I'm glad you continue to post updates. I also agree with your minimalistic viewpoint regarding food and life in general. I've done the same for the past several years and it is very freeing. I hope your co-worker will learn from your example. Not necessarily…
It doesn't matter who else is or isn't impressed with your weight loss. YOU are and that's all that matters! Thank you for continuing to update us on your progress. You've dealt with a lot of obstacles and have overcome them. Next time you see Cousin Evil, don't give her the satisfaction of trying to put you down. She…
Getting started is sometimes the hardest step! But you're here, so you're already making forward steps. I'd definitely start with small changes, as already suggested, both for yourself and your children. Setting a good example and teaching them how to eat healthy is our responsibility as a parent. I'm not sure how old your…
As usual, I agree with @AnnPt77. Exercise has many health benefits, but as a busy working mom, don't add another "To Do" to your list. Be active when you can. Little things here and there add up. It doesn't need to be formal or structured or timed. I know you said you can't even do at-home workouts, but again, change your…
Congratulations on finding your "why" (very important step to success) and the new family! I personally don't feel that 50 is a "ripe, old age", but that's probably because I'm in that age range as well. How is the new year starting for you? Are you implementing your plans? It's great to want to not only be there for your…
I don't use small cutlery, but I do use small plates and bowls. It helps with serving sizes and portions for me. But, doing what you're already doing: chewing more, drinking water / fluids, and tasting your food is great! Mindful eating is very important.
Good advice has been given by the first two responses, but I'd add that just because most holiday and social events involve food it doesn't mean that you have to make that your main focus. A social event is meant to focus on the people and the conversations. Make that your priority and a bit of fun, holiday food here and…
Oh no, @AnnPT77! Yikes, sorry to hear about your fall! I hope you are doing okay and completely better soon.
I agree that more info would be helpful because the amount of activity you list is a lot. As is 7 days per week. Rest days are important. You don't want to get injured or burned out. I know you say you weigh and measure everything, but if you were truly eating only 1200 calories per day and were that active, the weight…
Yes, tips for what exactly? And how long have you been doing 3 hours per day on the bike? As Ann said, it may be sustainable for you, but it's highly unlikely. What about illness or injury (overuse, most likely)? Then what is your plan? Finding the correct calorie goal (daily / weekly) for your desired weight and learning…
I'm sorry that you're struggling, but you've made a good first step! You're also young, so I'm guessing you didn't have good examples of proper diet and nutrition growing up (I apologize if I'm wrong) which is not your fault, so now you need to educate yourself. Did you input your information here to get at least a daily…
I love green and herbal tea and drink it regularly. Does it "boost" my metabolism? NO. I guess the title of the thread is somewhat appropriate as it is posed as a question. Questionable assertation that tea of any kind will boost metabolism.
As you said, "Focusing on eating well and exercising combined with full time work as a therapist and supporting my wife with Alzheimer's. has kept my cup full (beyond belief).", that is a LOT for anyone to handle. I hope you have some support with your spouse. Being a full-time care giver is a long, difficult task. You…
Absolutely. If it fits well and you feel good in it, who cares about age?
I'm not sure if this link will work (also, I'm not affiliated or have a personal interest), but I saw a documentary on this guy several years ago: If the link doesn't work, then Google:…
Since your coach is someone you know and you'll presumably continue to see at the gym, I'd treat this merely as a business transaction and tell him matter-of-factly that the arrangement isn't working out and see if you can get a refund. Even a partial. Leave emotion out of it and clearly and firmly state your request.…
Go ahead. See how long it takes for you to get tired of them. Then you'll start craving other things. Problem solved. In all seriousness, listen to the previous posters. They give sound advice.
I agree with the above posters. And yes, occasionally when I'm watching TV I'll march in place. I have a padded mat that I use. Even better to add in arm movements and different types of steps. My Fitbit registers steps better when I'm actually moving forward (as @TracyL963 said), but it still counts steps. Besides,…
So, four years later, have you been practicing IF? If so, what schedule are you using? Just curious if you experimented and have some results to share. I agree overall that timing doesn't matter as far as long-term fat and weight loss. Staying under your daily or weekly calorie goal is the key regardless of when and how…
In addition to what has already been mentioned, please be mindful of those around you (if applicable). Not everyone enjoys the sound of someone else crunching on ice. It is quite rude if you're in the presence of others. If you're looking for a distraction for your mouth other than food, chewing sugar free gum can be an…
Oof, I can relate. Hope it's not a long construction project! I just got a new roof and having a crew of people traipsing all over the roof, shingles and debris everywhere and incessant nail guns for three days was quite nerve wracking! BUT I'm grateful to have it done and for those workers who did all of that in 100+…
Agree with @csplatt: be patient and consistent. You didn't put on 60 lbs overnight, so it won't go away that quickly, either. Input your info here. What's your calorie goal? Read the helpful threads as to how to accurately weigh and measure and log your food. It's a learning process, so just do it and don't get discouraged…
Small weight fluctuations are normal and should be expected. For example, if your goal weight is 125 lbs, then you'd probably maintain in a range between 123 - 130 lbs. You say you're "monitoring your calorie intake", meaning??? If you don't accurately weigh, measure, and log your calorie intake you'll probably continue to…
Are you going on 10k walks regularly? Or are you getting 10,000 steps? Either way, you're quite active, which is good, but I'd advise against relying on this amount and level of activity to maintain your weight. Illness, injury, life, etc. can interfere with this plan, so you want to find a lifestyle that is sustainable…
Good for you! Sometimes a fresh start and putting ourselves first is exactly what we need. A lot of people are too afraid to do that, so I admire you! I did the same thing about 7 years ago and it has been worth it. Great suggestions from @nossmf.
Wow, you've overcome so much already! You are a fighter. As far as this: "I cannot eat a lot of foods that would help with weight loss." There are no special foods for weight loss. You can eat anything you want, just in the correct calorie amount for your goal weight. How much are you trying to lose? Do you have a daily or…
I'm sure your co-worker means well but be warned: as soon as someone finds out you're trying to lose weight or get fit, etc., they are suddenly full of "advice". Do some research and perhaps hire a trainer for a few sessions to learn proper lifting techniques and to find a program that fits your current situation and…
I like your confidence! You're doing really well. Sure hope we get to see the super fabulous skirt! And if you can't fit in it comfortably for the wedding? Oh well. You will eventually. If it doesn't ever fit right, then you aren't a failure either. Live and learn, right? The important thing is to LIVE and enjoy life while…