Woot! I was getting lonely here and started to slack on my own diet. I gained too. Not from moving tho but from stress eating. :( I can't wait for you to get your Internet connected so I can skype you at the most random hours. ;)
Well the first one that comes to my mind this early morning is something I heard on an anime show as I was channel surfing once. "Do it when you think of it and you'll always get things done." It's pretty much my mantra now to keep my incessant procrastination at bay. ;)
I'd say yes.
@enromero I just finished listening to the HP7 audiobook (while at work too)! I only have books 6 & 7 on audiobook, I need to get the rest...
I just started reading the Sword of Truth series. I'm in the first book, Wizard's First Rule, and I'm loving it! I wish I could be reading it right now but I'm still at work. ;)
This sounds fun. I'm 25 and 229 lbs.
I love Tazo's Zen Green Tea. I try to have one mug every day and I usually add a packet of Splenda to sweeten and bring out the flavors. There have been a lot of studies done on green tea and its benefits, ranging from preventing cancer to controlling glucose levels to preventing gum disease and receeding gum lines. Some…