

  • Sounds like too much at once! You can't keep up that kind of regimen. You should vary the cardio days and weight lifting. You don't want to gain weight do you? Cardio is one of the best ways to take off extra weight and get leaner. Keeping up the weight lifting is good so that you won't loose muscle.
  • Just keep it up!!! Don't ever say, "if only" again!!!! It's all you. It's your time. Do it because you want to. Do it because YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!! This is the only life you have to live. Thank God every day and ask for HIS power and guidance.
  • No, if you have been using laxatives and not drinking water, and generally abusing your body so that the scale reads what you want it too, you are being short-sighted and not caring for your body or your health. You need to start eating right, exercising, and staying within your precribed calories. Do this for a week and…