New to My Fitness Pal

Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone!

I happened across this site last night, and it looks like a great place for support during my weight loss journey. I have used Fitday for years, and until today I didn't realize it had a forum.... I find my food so much easier to log here at MFP, Fitday can be a bit of a hassle searching their food data base. I don't mean to sound like I'm bashing Fitday, it is a great weight loss tool, but I've always felt so alone in my struggle (granted it was my oversight that I didn't see their forum) but regardless, I've decided to give MFP a try. At the moment I'm browsing the forum and learning how the tools and logs etc work. Once I get the hang of it here, I hope to become an active member of this forum, and start my body and mind in a positive direction. I'm tired of losing the same handful of pounds again and again! I keep starting my "diet" over and over, then months pass and I look back thinking "if I had only stuck to it, I'd be ###lbs by now!". I don't want to say "if only" anymore. A few months from now I want to be excited about what I see on the scale, not making plans to start again. So here I go, taking the first step to a new happier, healthier and energetic me!
Seems my introduction has turned into a bit of a rant, sorry about that lol.


  • Welcome to MFP. I joined about a month ago and I love it! Sound like we have some weight loss goals in common. Good luck! Feel free to friend me if you want. :smile:
  • Ante_Up
    Ante_Up Posts: 141 Member
    Thanks! I've sent you a friends request :)
    Anyone else interested in sharing my weight loss journey with me, feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome!!!! Well guess what a few months from now u will feel great look great also, truth is as you continue on this wonderful journey u just started u won't have to wait a few months to feel great I guarantee it, we are pretty much the same weight and want the same things so your in the right place for support and motivation. Stay active on the site even if your having a crummy day or even a set back we all go thru it that's why we are here. Once again welcome!!!
  • Just keep it up!!! Don't ever say, "if only" again!!!! It's all you. It's your time. Do it because you want to. Do it because YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!! This is the only life you have to live. Thank God every day and ask for HIS power and guidance.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    Hello and welcome! I used Fitday in the past as well, and I find MFP sooooo much easier. It's also works well with the phone app, which really keeps me accountable. (If you have an Android phone, you can even barcode scan your foods in - amazing!) I have no trouble whatsoever with keeping up with MFP, for a lot of us it's become a compulsion to log on and keep track of your friends and support everyone here. I hope you enjoy this place, there's a lot of wonderful resources and information.
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