tolynkenl Member


  • Pick specific spots to measure so that you know you measure the same spot each time. For example, you can measure your waist at the point you bend sideways. That is easy to find each time - just bend to the side to be sure you put it on the same spot. You can measure your hips where your leg creases when you lift your leg.…
  • It can be discouraging when you don't see the weight come off as fast as you want it to. I am pretty new to this as well, about 1 month now. I haven't lost much either. However, I AM losing and am no longer gaining. I was on a weight-gain spiral after hitting menopause and I couldn't seem to stop it. Now that I am on MFP,…
  • I lost another I'm now down 4 pounds. Not huge, but better than the way things were going! I've been on MFP now since May 14th, so that's 1 lb./week, which is exactly what I targeted when I set up my plan. I guess I shouldn't be discouraged. I'm on target. :-) Lynn
  • Thank you, Prahasaurus! I finally got myself a food scale, so I'm weighing my food in grams now to be sure I am eating what I think I am eating...but I guess you are right. It is noIt an exact science on everything. I am eating differently. I changed my breakfast. I am trying to avoid snacking while at work. I am making…
  • Nutella spreads more thinly, so I can use less of it. It is fewer calories than the peanut butter. Is it any better for me? NO! Absolutely not. saves me about 100 calories or so at breakfast and I feel satisfied.
  • I just checked. I'm logging 486 calories for the 50-min. classes. Does that sound reasonable? Lynn
  • In the classes I am taking, I push myself hard. The teachers are very challenging and push us beyond what I can do. I cannot always do as many reps as is being asked, but I work to my maximum ability. She doesn't give us breaks in the class, it is from one thing to the next right away without breaks. To put it this way...I…
  • Asthma medications which can cause weight gain. But that is an excuse. People on medications can lose weight too. We just have to take it into consideration. I had a couple really bad days on my diet. I'll have to be sure I don't have any days that bad any more...or at least not as often. Summer holidays and family…
  • For the 1100 calorie day: 90 minutes with 15 lb load - that was actually pushing my 220# husband in a wheelchair for three hours (with some uphill pushing and downhill speed controlling). Since we did stop and sit down a couple times, I only counted 1/2 the time. I also walked for another 3 hours at a leisurely pace that…
  • I opened my diary. You will see the three days I went over for sure! Those were family outing days and I just said, "Too bad, I'm going to enjoy myself today."
  • Nutella: I am measuring with a tbsp. The calories on the jar are by tbsp (2 tbsp per serving = 200 calories). I measure out 1 tbsp. (using a measuring spoon), which goes surprisingly far since it is so creamy. I don't have a scale for food yet. I plan to get one following payday. :-) In the meantime, I usually measure…
  • She is not the only person who is trying to lose weight unsuccessfully. It can be incredibly frustrating! I keep hoping for a magic pill but ... ;-) I've been on MFP for just a few weeks now. I've logged every bite that I've put in my mouth. I have gone over my allowed limit 3 times, but am usually under by 100+ each day.…
  • I just weighed in this morning and I am now down 4 pounds!! Yeah!! This is week 2 for me, so I lost an average of 2 lbs/wk. Since the first several days, my weight didn't budge, I am thrilled. :-) I had a pleasant calorie surprise this morning. I had a doctor's appointment, so I didn't eat at home for breakfast. I stopped…
  • I'm new to this list and to my fitnesspal. After four days of watching my calories and exercising, staying below my calorie limits even without the exercise, my weight hadn't budged even 1/10 of a pound! I was pretty frustrated and almost ready to give up on this, but my husband told me to hang in there (bless him!). This…
  • I am brand new to myfitnesspal. I signed up yesterday. I've been trying to motivate myself through a "ready to lose" program at work, and implemented strategies that I hoped would work...and gained 8 pounds last month. My coach in this program suggested that I sign up for myfitnesspal. So...I am now tracking my calories. I…