

  • that's fine you don't need to "believe me" i don't know you personally and vise verser you can only judge me based on this online website and what you see on my profile, saying i am "obvisouly not taking this seriously" is actually quite offensive to me, you don't know my life, how hard i put in effort when i have been…
  • It’s all a little confusing, when you originally set up for my fitness pal it suggests you to go with their suggested calorie intake which I have and was 1200 now all I’ve been getting are comments my calories are too low but I am doing what my fitness pal recommends. Then when I add an exercise, it tells me to eat back my…
  • Hi thanks for giving some of your advice :) i will definately have a read as well in some of those websites you have suggested going to europe in July is just another reason for me to push myself when i leave and i know when i get back i will definately continue my fitness journey from what i've gathered from everyone in…
  • sorry my current details are so far i have lost 3kg within my 5th week (last week) i currently weigh 70kg - i am 23years old - height 161cm thank you, i started my fitness journey in March so its basically been a 12 week challenge and this week is my 6th week i just get discoraged as i feel with the workout routines im…
  • thank you for your advice though :)
  • thank you for your advice!
  • in my orignal post all i asked was Tips or advice or even help on how to help loose belly fat, as i've been doing my diet and workouts for 6 weeks now i'm seeing a change everywhere else but my stomach area so ofcourse naturally i would think i might be doing something wrong with my whole fitness routine and diet. I know i…
  • Yes serisously, just because i am not tracking my food online here everyday doesn't mean i'm not tracking every food i eat in my journal all the other days, weighing every portion, eating enough carbs/protein/fats and drinking enoug water etc my original post was just simply asking for help or tips - as i believe that so…
  • :laugh: :laugh: that's fine i am aware it's a public forum and community and "People are giving you hard love and sound advice" but i don't see where the advice is when people are giving the "advice" "horrible diet" - okay then what is your opinion? or advice? "I don't understand either. You should really be dead by now…
  • i eat the same thing everyday because i meal prep my meals for that week, i am pescetarian so i don't eat meats i have to source my protein with foods like fish, vegetables, quinioa, cottage cheese etc
  • it's actually quite suprising too see such negative people on this website - find it quite sad that people that who have no idea about me and where as i am only trying to get information or help on this site have the time to put people down. if you don't have any thing nice to say don't say anything at all.
  • thank you do you reccomend any TDEE calculators online i'm 23 years old - 161cm and currently 72kg
  • great read!! could you provide me info about this TDEE calculator?? :)
  • thank you guys!!
  • Thanks everyone for all your replies!
  • I've found with myself it depends what sort of training i do i can go without eating or sometimes i start to feel too dizzy that i haven't eating! so i get confused on when i should and shouldnt be eating and if i am getting enough carbs for fuel I normally eat 5-6 meals day Breakfast - Overnight Oats Snack 1 - Cottage…
  • because i am estimating it between 500 - 1000 calories which equals 2400 based on 1000 calorie deduction = 1400 2400 based on 800 Calorie deduction = 1600
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