RadicalGrace22 Member


  • ha ha ha wouldn't they be ASKING that question if it was an issue. Nobody was asking why they weren't losing....were they?? Potential issue? Seems if it's not the issue in this post, then why would it even need to be addressed here? I just think we all need to be aware many people are hanging onto the smallest thing for…
  • It is easy to get discouraged with those who say the MFP calculator is wrong. That's the only thing motivating me right now. If I believed the "nay sayers and doom merchants " I just may slack off or worse-GIVE UP, telling myself it doesn't matter cause "it's wrong anyway". Your post puts it to rest for me. Again, thank…
  • So, lol. Sounds like you are in pretty good shape- running for 2 hours at a time, impressive. So you found this particular area off is that correct? Like I said, it seems to be more accurate the heavier one is. I am guessing you are either at your goal or close to it as you are able to run for 2 hours at a time. I can't…
  • Well, maybe. I have tested it too. Dancing for fun, aerobic dancing, riding my bike, walking up and down stairs, slow walking. Just curious, what area did you find it to be way off in?
  • Just to let you know, MFP calorie burn is not "way wrong" in fact, it's not far off, especially if you are overweight 40 pounds or more. I did buy a HRM because I thought the same thing. Guess what.....MFP totals are rather accurate, in fact sometimes they are under according my HRM (and the supporting chest strap). I…
  • Brilliant!! I am going to do this and see if it "cures" my hunt every evening for something sweet!
  • It sounds like you need some fun in your life. Someone recommended I get a yoga ball and bounce on it while listening to my favorite dance music. I had an severe accident in Feb and broke my heel in multiple places. Couldn't walk for 4 months and its still interfering with my exercise. Last night, I pumped up my new ball…
  • Wow- you lost 70 pounds in 20 weeks?!? We all need to pause for a moment of silence to honor you. Was that your goal when you started? That is the most amazing thing I have read on here. I too want that sort of success. You log every single bite? Is that the only key to rapid/consistent fat melt? Kuddos to you!!
  • LOL, that was a brilliant idea SonicDeathMon to cure the desire for a unhealthy food!!: :happy:
  • Hello, I can tell you if you are heavy, and you stay at a lower heart rate you will burn a lot of calories. We have been taught that we need to be huffing/gasping for air and sweating profusely to be getting "a really good workout". I am learning that quite the opposite is true. I challenged the amounts that MFP listed for…
  • Lolololol, etc.