

  • Cheese is my biggest downfall! I can walk right past cakes, cookies and pie, but give me some ooey gooey cheese and I'm on it! I do still eat cheese, but I watch how much. It's the one thing I actually messure to make sure that I am only eating as much as I think I am. Don't cut anything out of your diet completely, you'll…
  • 20 pounds by October 1st isn't undoable! It takes some will power, but it's possible! I am looking to lose about 30 pounds myself. That's my 1st goal anyway! That would put me back down to where I was when I met my husband! When I reach that point, then I'll evaluate and see what I want to do! Would love to help each other…
  • Wow! Great Job! Im so jealous!! Keep up the great work!
  • Woo Hoo! You look great! Keep it up! :)
  • Im in the same boat! When you look at what I am eating, I should be losing serious weight, but once you add the soda in, It's very easy to see why I am not! I've tried the 1/2 diet 1/2 regular thing and I can still taste it! It's the biggest thing I have to work on! Good Luck! :)