28 yr old, want to lose 30-40lbs, looking for friends!

I am just looking for some ladies with some similar goals to mine so we can pump each other up! I'm 5'3", and ultimately would like to lose 30-40lbs, but right now I'm hoping and praying to lose 20lbs by Oct 1st (Big trip to Florida) but I know that may be a bit unrealistic.

I renewed my gym membership and go there on my lunch hours 4-5 times a week, and have been doing the 30 Day Shred, currently on level 2, gonna give it a try for the second time tonight.

My main issue is i really love food and i get carried away due to an extreme lack of willpower and a very "instant gratification" attitude.

My fiancé and I (Getting married sometime Fall 2012, that's the plan anyway... so there's my ultimate goal deadline!!) love watching movies on our big tv so that accounts for a lot of my problem. Trying to remedy that though, and we're both on board!

Anyway, I'd love some likeminded MFP friends to share in this together! :)
I'm trying but my days aren't always filled with the best food choices....

Send me a msg! Let's do this!


  • hey, its looking like we have about the same will power issues. me and my boyfriend, love being lazy after work, just cuz we are there most of the time. I'm in need of motivation myself, so if you would like to add me feel free!:smile:
  • Kee315
    Kee315 Posts: 33
    Welcome to MFP!!
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 156 Member
    Similar to me too! Add me. :)
  • clockhead
    clockhead Posts: 20 Member
    helllo helllo welcome, the more friends you get the better I reckon, then there is always somebody there to encourage -esp when you are flagging! add me if you like- I'm an enthuiastic sort!!
  • spankywife
    spankywife Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I want to lose about 30 pounds as well. Good Luck! :smile:
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Hi! I'm 27 and have another 45 pounds to go! Feel free to add me!

    Also, if you're on facebook, there is a group of us (all in our 20's). Just let me know and I can add you.
  • akp090909
    akp090909 Posts: 5
    20 pounds by October 1st isn't undoable! It takes some will power, but it's possible!
    I am looking to lose about 30 pounds myself. That's my 1st goal anyway! That would put me back down to where I was when I met my husband!
    When I reach that point, then I'll evaluate and see what I want to do!
    Would love to help each other out!
    Good Luck!
  • Welcome to MFP! Im quite new here as well, but noticed the great support system of people here. Also the app and site itself surely does motivate you to watch what you eat and be conscious of your activities. Add me if you like :)
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Hey I am also 28 and I am looking to lose 60 pounds, the first twenty I hope by sept, I am down about 9 . You can definitely lose twenty by oct, we should form a challenge group...it seems to help with the support. Otherwise just friend me!
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to MFP! My name is Cheryl. I am 29 years old 5'4" and want to lose around 30-40 lbs too! :D I have been doing a bootcamp 3 times a week... and I am trying to run 3 times a week but it's been hard with my shins bothering me. I just started doing Jillian Michaels Banish fat Boost metabolism video which is really great cardio! It's not so bad on my shins either. The shred is a great work out video! I have seen some amazing results! It's so awesome that it only takes up a little chunk of your day.

    I have the same issue is that I love food too. It's pretty sad when you can out eat your husband! But I have been trying really hard to stay on top of it... and actually don't crave as much sugar as I used to. It's been 3 months to really get me to that place. It still gets tough though because my husband eats alot of sweets... and I get tempted. I try to just eat a bowl of fruit instead.

    Well anyways I would love to get to know you and keep each other accountable! :D
  • hray910
    hray910 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me. Almost 26, and looking to lose about the same though struggling with will power also!
  • I'm 27 and looking to lose 40 lbs overall. I've gained 20 just over the past year. 13 of it being in the last 7 mos. I would like to get back down to 125-130 eventually. I am 5'1".
  • I, too, have your willpower problem, I love to watch TV so while my man eats popcorn or cheese-its, I try to keep my hands busy with knitting or something else. Otherwise I just eat until it's gone. My nephew just got me hooked on double stuff oreos. Man, they are good. But I have diabetes and am starting to get the issues like eye problems because I am not keeping control of my sugar numbers. I just started on MFP and really like it. You guys are great :>
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in a similar situation I love to lay on the couch and watch tv. I do have two toddlers but now that Im a stay at home mom I feel really lazy. I did recently start selling pampered chef but I love sweets so I find myself wanting to eat more when I do shows! I have been going to the gym for about 6 months now atleast 2 times per week and Im trying to up it to 5 for the summer. My husband is very active and works out alot but its hard for my to workout with him hes pretty hard core! My goal is to loose about 25-30 lbs more. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 9 months and also lost quite a few inches but I still have alot to go! Im always looking for friends and encouragement! Im really bad about food logging but I figured I would give this another shot. Looking forward to taking this journey with you all!
  • newashley
    newashley Posts: 28 Member
    I am doing about the same. I want to loose 25 lbs by the middle of sept. You sound a lot like me!! We can do this!!!
  • whatshesaid
    whatshesaid Posts: 53 Member
    Yayy!! So glad to have found some people, I think a support network might be the thing I need to kick my butt into gear :) Anyone who added me I've "approved" (whatever it's called) and definitely want to get serious about this!

    The thing that sucks most for me is a few years ago my bf and I broke up for 5 months, well, i mean he broke up with me and we needed it, but I was in denial at the time... anyway that's when i went all vengeful and was like "OH YEAH I'M GOING TO LOSE WEIGHT!" so I did, lost about 35lbs in a little over 3 months, going from totally sedentary and eating garbage to walking regularly and eating much better, that's all it took back then..... 4 years seems to have killed my metabolism :P

    (We got back together and are engaged so that's great anyway!)

    All that to say, now i feel even worse and guilty and shameful for putting it all back on. 20+ lbs in the last year alone, winter ruined me!! Giving up my gym membership was the biggest mistake I ever could have made because i literally ate like a pig and did nothing all winter. Time to ramp it up!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    hi there! ^ i'm 28 as well and would like to lose between 20-25 lbs....

    let's be friends!!!