

  • You should chose fruits that have a low glycemic index....some examples are grapefruits and apples. The sweeter the fruit the higher the sugar content or glycemic index number and that is what makes you gain weight because the calories are high. Good luck.....and you dont have to have fruit everyday.:wink:
  • I am new on here as well trying to lose 25lbs and I am doing the South Beach diet and so far so good. I think the best diets are low calories and low carbs. You drop the weight much faster but you have to be careful to continue to workout when you start incorporating your carbs back into your diet. You can do it!:wink:
  • What he did was contact you to see if he still had a chance or better yet to see if you still cared for him I have two words......move on! He had his chance and now its over....dont back track! You can do better.:wink: