

  • amazing :) awesome job, you must be sooo happy
  • WOW thats awesome :) congrats, i just started yesterday and am addicted, i bet you are too, keep it up, i cant wait to say i lost 3lbs too :)
    in hello.. Comment by sarsenault April 2011
  • all my friends that have done insanity and stuck with it lost a lot of weight and look soo much healthier. i want to start it soon, i need to find the DVDs cheap though..... but stick with it :) im jealous you have the DVDs
  • i personally think that you are most likely deficient in iron but it could also be from clotting disorders, or thinning of your skin. I was for a while and i just got some iron supplements and i take them once a day after a meal.
  • just deciding to lose weight is more than most people do. at first it seems like a pain, but i'm sure that you'll learn to love all this exercising, and learning new recipes for healthier eating will get you excited. Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states. ~Carol…