Anyone starting Insanity?

I'm new to this site, but enjoying it so far. I just finished my 1st week of Insanity and was wondering if anyone else is currently using the program as well... completed 3 weeks last month, but then a trip to disney got me off-course. I decided to start over again from the beginning.

Anyone else just start and interested in some extra help/motivation? I know I need all the help I can get...


  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Doing it for some extra cardio right now while I finish up P90X...will start the regular program in two weeks. I LOVE what I have done so far! Good luck!!
  • lesliegail13
    What is insanity if you don't mind me asking?
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I have friends that do it and love it. I have it on my computer now, but haven't started it. I also have P90X, which is what I was doing before and I liked it. P90X plyometrics and yoga are killer!!
  • liteskin511
    I started p90x again for the third time last week. Between work, my family, and grad school it's very difficult to stick to it. I just ordered Zumba for the wii and I plan on doing that and the ab ripper every other day and save the p90x for the summer when school is out. BTW I'm a physical education teacher and I'm trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, so embarrassing:(
  • liteskin511
    Killer is an understatement. I tell myself if you can do p90x plyometric you can do
  • amstone7
    amstone7 Posts: 13
    I do the turbo jam since the PX90 and Insanity have too many things I probably couldn't do correctly. My favorite part of Beachbody though is the Shakeology. I try to have one shake every morning for breakfast, love them!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    I plan on doing Insanity when I finish P90X. I started week 7 today, so I am halfway there! Good luck with Insanity!
  • cangel81603
    cangel81603 Posts: 64 Member
    I do Insanity!! I am currently on Week 2 Day 6. I started this program before when I wasn't committed to better myself, and even tho I did it here and there I had decent results. This time around I haven't missed a day and things are shaping up nicely:) It's a butt kicker tho. When I'm finished I'm dripping with sweat but I have the awesome feeling of accomplishment.. I love it!! Good luck to you all.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I am just about to finish the 30DS and am looking for another strenght/cardio routine. I don't have any game system (i.e. Wii, etc). I've heard that both Insanity and P90x are great. I also heard that Zumba is awesome. Are there Zumba DVDs or do you have to have a game system? Actually more interested in the other 2 tho. Where can I get Insanity ad P90x?? What do you need besides hand weights and a mat? Thanks in advance!
  • Tyscheff
    Tyscheff Posts: 21
    I did insanity for 2 weeks, but then lost motivation because I have no motivation to work-out inside my house. I definitely felt the results coming in because I was so sore! It really just depends on how much effort you put into the video. If you actually try and "dig deep" like he tells you to, you WILL see results.

    It simply "confuses" your body with the amount of workouts because you're working out so many parts at once (doing basketball drills, and excruciating exercises) that your body just gets to the point of exhaustion. Just remember, anything you do will help, it just depends on how much effort you want to put into it. No pain, no gain. That is the real deal, and so is Insanity. Best of luck, follow the program, and you will see results. You may not look 100% ripped, but you will definitely notice a difference. And if you're not satisfied, just keep it up and do the program until you are satisfied!!
  • niclan724
    niclan724 Posts: 49 Member
    @liteskin511----I love P90X, but find it hard to stick with for that resaon, too. It takes soo much time. I also teach, so I might start it up again in the summer. That's what I love about's only 40-45mins. Maybe give it a try?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I keep starting then slacking on insanity. I should start it then keep up with it-after my foot heals.
  • niclan724
    niclan724 Posts: 49 Member
    @TAkeOne--- The great thing about Insanity is that you only need a mat, and you barely use that. No weights at use your body for any kind of resistence. You can buy both P90X and Insanoty on or you can find them on ebay. I got a great deal on Insanity through ebay.

    How did you like the 30DS?
  • sarsenault
    all my friends that have done insanity and stuck with it lost a lot of weight and look soo much healthier. i want to start it soon, i need to find the DVDs cheap though..... but stick with it :) im jealous you have the DVDs
  • EdwardCPT
    EdwardCPT Posts: 37
    im on month 2 of p90x but add days of insanity in for extra cardio. after I finish p90x i plan to do the 60 day insanity program. nice you meet you guys. I always love new p90x insanity pals =)