

  • check out skinnytaste.com This gal has a whole website of awesomeness that you can pick from and even modify some. I frequently substitute applesauce for butter, and will use zero calorie sweetener instead of sugar. Either way lots of great ideas and not just for desserts either!
  • Along with all the awesome suggestions here I might also throw out there that protein, which helps curb appetite, doesn't always have to be meat... or taste like crap. A lot of my protein bars have a chocolate covering, which helps curb my sugar cravings without pulling me off my healthy eating. I also find that if I mix a…
  • Okay, my first recommendation might be to connect with a trainer who can help you figure out your nutrition if you can afford even a few sessions. It'll change your outlook on things drastically. I know this becauseI did exactly what I just recommended. I used to be vegetarian as well and have recently converted back to…