Gpistons Member


  • HI there, Im suffering with depression, and sometimes im convinced I use that as an excuse, I get sad, mad cry like i have niagra falls in my eyes, angry to the point i hate everyone, and then ill calm down cus ive decided.. Ill show u all... Im gonna eat these 4 bars of chocolate and these 2 cakes.. that will pee u alllll…
  • Im wondering what this dessert was btw lol
  • What a good idea, some days i feel bad for not having my 500 deficit ... but days like monday i had 1000 left over.. (not good i know)
  • 1200 calories isant enough to start with...have you tried using the BASAL calculator? I suffer during this time, I have awful cramps and with the run of a house with a bf and 5 kids its so hard to stay motivated, Alot of the replys seem so final, yes there are women who wont let this time of the month get in the way, and…
  • Hmm.. I have depression, Not a disability but hearing you guys motivates me and u really put a smile on my face.. Id like to add you, I wont feel offended if you dont except.. Have an amazing day
  • I just went on the Polar website.. it says its sutible for swimming..
  • Your are most definatly not eating enough, even more so if you are not eating any of your exercise calories, your body wont give up the weight easily and will slow down, I was eating 1200 on a day i wasnt exercising, but thanks to using a basal calculator, that showed me that 1200 wasnt even enough to keep my body working,…
    in HANGRY! Comment by Gpistons May 2014