latoya0429 Member


  • I'm not on metformin. I go to a natural doctor now and she took me off of it because I was on Metformin for about 10 years. I do take a lot of herbs and supplements. I was just recently put on amour thyroid medication because my labs came back with extreme low hormone. I now take the thyroid, vitex, a natural supplement…
  • I had a doctor who diagnosed me as hypothyroid and the levy (can't spell it out) made me gained weight. It wasn't until my natural doctor made the gluten/celiac connection and when eliminating the gluten, my blood work got better but I had issues with my T4 or T3 but it was something called the wilson temperature syndrome,…
  • I am 31, was diagnosed with PCOS since my early 20's but had problems way before that. I started my cycle when I was 9, the weight kept coming on no matter how active I was was. Metformin was enough to help me get pregnant the 2nd time and that pregnancy was a success. My daughter is 5 now. I am off the metformin because…