

  • I was on for over a month before any pounds came off at all. What i did was up my exercise to one hour on most days, nothing drastic but I set aside an hour to get moving. And I make sure I don't go over my calorie intake.
  • I know that everyone has their own opinion. I also know that criticism is most of the time hard to accept, but you asked for it. So my advice to you is, stop being so defensive....think about what has been said. Say thank you and go on with your life. We should never ever get to a place in our minds where nothing can get…
  • "I'm in" My name is Veronica Warren I'm 36, married with 3 children Municipal Court Clerk in the small city of Moorhead, MS SW-235 CW-230 GW-210 GW for July 31-Max Goal 8lbs Min Goal 5lbs
  • You are one of many, so don't beat yourself up over it. I've lost and gained maybe about three times, but now I have a made up mind. I am so proud of myself now! I'm proud of myself because I have the mind to defeat this no matter how many times I've fallen off; I'm going to get back on. No matter who says, "You're gonna…