

  • Controlling my binge eating has been a battle for me but I'm finally in a much better place with it. For starters, I generally don't keep junk food in the house, so if I feel a binge coming on I actually have to go buy the necessary binge supplies (in my case usually a combination of two full-size bags of chips, a box of…
  • Rather than setting a timeline for your weightloss goals, I would suggest setting mini fitness goals for yourself. For example, every month I try to give myself something different to focus on. This month, my goal is to not take more than one day off from exercise in a row. I'm keeping my ultimate weight goal in mind, but…
  • Thanks everyone! =]
  • Don't get discouraged! It can be hard to get going on weight loss, and can be discouraging to see the number stay the same. Remember it's not just about your calorie intake, it's about exercising and eating the right things! Also, it's not unusual to get on the scale and over the span of three days see your weight go up or…
  • I just moved from Columbus to Cleveland
  • I can understand how frustrating it is to hear something like that, but it could be (from some of them) that they're genuinely concerned. Watching someone lose a lot of weight, especially in a short period of time, is very strange. Imagine if any of your friends lost 1/3 of their body weight. No matter how much they…