I'm only on day #2, and working out in a small bedroom. Just give yourself enough room to fit a full bed, and some head space because some things require jumping.
The warm up alone was intense! My body has never ached this much. Is it bad that it hurts to walk? Should I even do day 3, or should I rest?
Height: 5'8" Weight: 134 lbs Bust: 34" Waist: 28" Stomach: 33" Hips: 38" Thigh: L 21.5" R 21" Calves: 14.5" Bicep: L 10" R 10"
Day 1 Fit test results SK: 84 PJ: 42 PN: 69 PJ: 11 GJ: 4 SJ: 5 PU: 11 LP: 12 Starting weight: 134 Goal weight: 130 I was getting tired around the middle, but tried not to rest as much as I wanted to. Drinking water excessively to sweat it out!
I'm Tracy, 22 and haven't had a hard workout like this in forever. I started yesterday and even the Fit Test was ridiculous! I hope to tone up overall and get rid of excess fat. Good luck to everyone!