Fair enough. Thank you.
I go into a giggling fit and become really friendly.
There was an ad on the tv where someone said "to be or not to be, that is the question", and my sister asked me if that was the real Hitler saying that. I had to explain to her that it was a Shakespeare quote, not a Hitler quote, and that both of them were dead.
(I was trying to put a picture in here but I don't know how to)
Lynx shower gel
Free/unprotected wifi. That really gets me going.
Any Red Rooster restaurant chain. I once ate there and got the worst food poisoning of my life!
Fingernail biting
Michael Scott. A definite yes!
I have 29kg to lose. It can be hard, but it's worth it in the end. Anyone can add me if they want, I'm a daily logger. :smile:
I have no idea what's going on in this thread.
I'm from Australia
I've lost about 7kg (14lb) in two months 85kg-78kg (187lb-171lb)
False! TPBM loves chocolate cake.
Sea salt and Balsamic Vinegar chips. *cue the mouth watering*
The Man by Ed Sheeran
Definitely eyes (that eyeliner is on point, holy cow!)
I was the female dux of my grade in 2011. Is that interesting? :laugh: Also, I'm left handed.
I'm currently doing interval training for 40 minutes after school each day. It certainly does get my heart rate up!