

  • It is not just you, I feel like I stay hungry. I drink more water and take a multivitamin on the days I am not sure I ate the right foods. It will work out. As your stomach shrinks that feeling goes away some.
  • If you have access to a pool any type of water exercises are great. You won't even realize how much you are workin out while you are in there. I have used one of those noodle floats and cut it in half and pushed them up and down slowly through the water. Great for arms. I have also put it under my knee while it was bent…
  • I wanted a real pic of me. I do not have make up on or my hair fixed and it shows enough of me as I am. This was taken almost a year ago by my husband but I think I weigh about 20 more pounds now. :blushing:
  • Welcome, this site is a great network of support! Good luck.:bigsmile:
  • Amen girl. I am so stressed with all the finals ppt presentations and finals. I try my best to remeber to get on here everyday. I have to consider it a part of my homework just so I will remember to do. We have each other for support and we can do it. Good job college peeps.
  • That is great! I have read great reviews so far. Looks like you are doing an awesome job, Congrats. Thanks
    in Newbie Comment by KrysHil April 2011