

  • Dude... I wonder the same thing! But it doesn't seem as fun, healthy, or easy to starve yourself. Eventually you're going to get super hungry and eat everything you see. Plus be a grouch and have headaches and feel lousy. But I do feel like you're not going to gain weight from not eating. But I'm not a nutritionist or a…
  • That's kinda what I was thinking. Giving him more, and taking less. But I eat a lot of high fiber, low calorie options, and he doesn't want to just eat a bunch of high calorie junk that I just make on the side? I feel like I need to be creative. I guess it's just as simple as me giving him more food. I need ideas for…
  • I saw those! I was wondering about them....
  • You can definitely DEFINITELY see a difference! Go you! That's so awesome!
  • I got a bottle of hydroxycitric acid with green coffee extract. Haven't had a weigh in since I started. May be a scam, but 15 bucks to try it for a month is no huge deal. We will see....
  • I agree.with it being in my head. And maybe it is an excuse to eat pizza. But for real.,. I don't like pizza outside of my work. So why is it so appealing inside? I like this idea of not demonizing the pizza and enjoying it in moderation. It makes me feel better to hear "it's really ok sometimes" I appreciate all the…
  • Hahaha no doubt! I am actually considering a new job...no kidding. Not just because of the pizza, but I am a delivery driver and although I love my job, in the summer, everything's slacked off and no one tips and I end up paying to work :-P
  • Unfortunately, the pizza I end up eating are the free ones. I can't pick and choose. We on,y sell by the pie. I've actually had the thought that I could shift my calories around in the day so I could have a slice or 2 and still fit it in. But I looked up the nutrition info . Ouch. It makes me feel like a failure every time…
  • I kind of figured I either needed to cut out those things you mentioned or load up on healthy versions of them lol But I try and avoid what I call man made carbs.... Bread, pasta, anything bleached or white and definitely potatoes.... But I enjoy some warm oatmeal and fruit in the mornings... Keeps me full for a while with…