

  • I believe that everyone is different. a lot of my weight in my mid section. I am on day 2 and lost 3 pounds. I believe the reason I did is because of my portions that I normally eat, I did more house work then usual, and because I carry my weight in the belly. my sil tried the south beach diet and she got the same results…
  • hello my name is barb and I too am on the south beach diet for health reasons as well. I started on the south beach diet around two years ago and at around a year ago I stoped for the last year. I gained almost all the weight back and not happy with my self. so I started back on it again yesterday and already lost 3…
  • I understand completely. I am in the same boat. HELP!
  • I would love to be your buddy I need one as well. I am having a hard time getting started. thank you. :happy: