

  • Honestly, I have been getting discouraged just like you. I was trying so hard to stick to 1200 calories and wasn't losing any weight. Then I read that 1200 is too little when you're exercising and it will actually cause your body to hold on to weight because it's going into starvation mode. Then I bumped up my calories to…
  • Honestly, that's a really silly thing for her to believe. Running will not cause your skin to jiggle and bounce enough to cause sagging. Make sure you're wearing sunscreen so that you don't get any UV damage that can lead to wrinkles later on. It sounds like your friend is making excuses for her to not run.
  • That's a really positive message and it made me smile! Thanks for the compliment! You're a beautiful person as well!!
  • Thanks for the posts, it nice to hear I'm not the only one frustrated with this problem. The one thing I don't want to do is get frustrated and give up, I'm going to keep working at it because I'm sure I'll see results soon enough! I know I'm probably building up muscle too, especially in my arms where I have barely any…
  • Don't be so hard on yourself, we all cave a little. My company has lunch catered in on Mondays and we had fried chicken today- great. Luckily they bring roasted chicken as well and that's what I ate, but still I'm sure I could have brought a much healthier lunch from home. Instead of beating myself up about it I know I'm…
  • I think it's great what you're doing! Including the making your bed every morning. It's all about small steps!!