Runners please read this post and reply

PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
Okay, I have a friend that we are both trying to lose weight at the same time. We are both the same size and all, but I am running and strength training. She is always trying to discourage me from running. Saying it is bad for you, this that and the other junk. Well today she comes up with a new one. She didn't say where she got it from, but she says "She read, running causes more wrinkles because the up and down motion of you your face jiggling will make it lose collagen. Has anyone ever heard of this or have you seen it first hand?


  • angmac1976
    angmac1976 Posts: 32 Member
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    nope never heard of it. But i would suggest use of good sunscreen if outside and moisturizers to help skin. That will be more damage then running itself
    Hell I can can think of many other actions with up and down motions.....Now we can;t be quiting all those too...
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    Ha! (and i dont mean that in a mean way, i have just never heard anything like that!)
    Today i read that it is better to not go to college. I think you should take everything with a grain of salt. I am a thin runner, and i am 28 and look about 15. Not a wrinkle in sight!

    i think sunblock and moisturizer is the key to preventing wrinkles, not avoiding running.
  • Hilarious. Running does not directly decrease collagen and elasticity in your face..
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    the product designer in me suddenly had an epiphany for a face bra for runners! I could be rich!!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Never heard of it. Most of the runners I know look young for their age. And many of the runners I know are 50 years plus.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    Erm... no.

    Running can be very stressful on anyone's joints, but especially if you are very overweight or are not used to running. Even the most experienced runners need rest days to avoid injury.

    However, it's a fantastic exercise with great benefits. So enjoy!
  • Honestly, that's a really silly thing for her to believe. Running will not cause your skin to jiggle and bounce enough to cause sagging. Make sure you're wearing sunscreen so that you don't get any UV damage that can lead to wrinkles later on.

    It sounds like your friend is making excuses for her to not run.
  • vodkaswigger
    vodkaswigger Posts: 467
    Ive never heard of it, i think shes trying to put you off, How odd! I have had similar experiences so maybe its a jealousy thing. A few friends had given me horror stories, injury stories, but it was only once my weight losses were noticable. I am the only one who runs also.
    Take no notice, keep on doing what your doing ,especially if you enjoy it.
    You could look on google to double check but ive never heard of it,
    Good luck xxx
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Bahahahahaha!! I'm doomed then! LOL. I don't think I would put much faith in that one my friend. :laugh:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    the product designer in me suddenly had an epiphany for a face bra for runners! I could be rich!!

  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I had to look this one up.... but, here is an article you can use to debunk what your friend said:
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    The only thing with running is it's high impact and bad for people with joint or knee/feet problems. LOL Gotta make sure you have good shoes. It's great for calorie burning though! :)
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm no doctor bi I can't even begin to comprehend some one coming up with this in the first place. Further more getting spread around. I believe you know my answer.1000000000 times no. And maybe yiur friend should start running to get some more air to her brain. It doesn't seem to be functioning well. Lol I kid I kid! :P
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    That's funny, not a veteran runner but I have never heard of any exercise causing wrinkles. Is she jealous of the time you spend doing it maybe?
  • sociable15
    sociable15 Posts: 98
    I have been running since I was 8 years old. I am 27. Turns out, I look 27.

    In my experience, people who run have tended to look younger than their age because they are fit. Just like people who do ANY kind of exercise tend to look younger. There are SEVERAL benefits, particularly for women, to running with regards to aging:

    * Cardio exercise to protect against heart disease and other illnesses caused by lack of exercise.
    * Physical exercise, like running, helps balance mental state (releases brain chemicals similar to antidepressants)
    * For children of child bearing age who are trying to have children, exercise is reported to make child birth easier (as..."easier" as child birth gets.. lol)
    * For aging women, as a weight baring activity it helps protect against ostoporosis and degeneration of bone density, particularly if done in your younger years. It's particularly important in post-menopausal women.
    * Recent studies show no adverse effect to joints, dispelling the myth that running will cause bad knees/ankles/etc. and may actually help build stronger joints.

    Honestly, if it causes a couple more wrinkles? So be it. the good outweighs the bad.
  • t0rrie
    t0rrie Posts: 2
    Wow. Your friend... I don't even know what to say! Why would she try to discourage you from running? Looks like you're doing something right to me! Anyway, as far as running goes, the benefits FAR outweigh the negatives. Of course there are some negative with running as with all things in life. My friend who just turned 30 is going to have to have her hip replaced. But that doesn't mean no one should run because there's some far off change you might need hip replacement.

    Running doesn't work for everyone and that's totally fine. If it works for you, you should ignore your friend's strange advice and keep on pounding the pavement. :)
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    If that's true - I'll take a slightly wrinkly face and enjoy the tight *kitten* healthy body I will have going into my old age. I'd rather be strong as an older wrinkly person - than confined to a wheelchair or something with a beautiful non wrinkled face.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Thanks everyone! I figured it was definitely a ploy to try to persuade me not to continue. Although I don't care about having wrinkles as much as I care about having fat. I am sure I will have wrinkles from losing weight, more than running.
  • HaHAHA! Can't stop laughing long enough to think of a witty response!!