

  • Yes I am currently on my period. I have only been counting calories for two weeks now. I started exercising a week before I started dieting. I am not trying to eat too few calories. I am just not sure on how to get my calorie intake while still staying within the range. Its like I go from one extreme to the other. Either I…
  • If I am eating all day long do calories really matter.
  • Can you give me some examples. I am new to loosing weight in the right way. Along with my eating I am also working out every night. I have one missed two nights in the three weeks I have been working out. With my busy and hectic work schedule I have to find things that are quick and easy. That is why I gravitate to fruits…
  • On average right around 900.
  • I do have alot of what you listed off. I just can't seem to get where I need to be. Also if I don't feel hungry anymore I won't eat anymore. I think I am also a little scared to eat too much, thats how my bad patterns get started up again. I think oh just a little more then I end up back at the begining. Every morning I…