Too Few Calories


My name is Tamlyn.

My app is always telling my I am consuming too few caloires. I feel like I am eating all day long. I am not starving for food. I eat a lot of raw veggies. I have them at my desk all day long. If I am constantly eating, how can I be comsuming too few calories? Shouldn't I be more worried about the quality of my food rather than the calories in them? Please help. My goal is loosing weight so I really don't want to have to eat more than that.

Thank you.


  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Set your diary to public so we can have a look and help :)
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    There are lots and lots of quality foods out there that are also higher in calories. Try incorporating some of them into your diet. You mention veggies, but what about important nutrients like fat and protein? Are you getting enough of those?

    Nuts, nut butter, coconut oil, olive oil, butter, full fat diary, cheese, Greek yogurt, ice cream, avocado, full calorie dressings and sauces, less lean cuts of meat, protein shakes and smoothies, fruit juices, etc. These calorie dense foods can help increase your calories without adding tons of food to your day.
  • I do have alot of what you listed off. I just can't seem to get where I need to be. Also if I don't feel hungry anymore I won't eat anymore. I think I am also a little scared to eat too much, thats how my bad patterns get started up again. I think oh just a little more then I end up back at the begining.

    Every morning I start my day off with my protein shake either my EAS or my Juice Plus with added fruits and flack seed oil. I have a snack at 10, a meal at noon, another snack around three and then dinner at 6:30-7:30. I am trying to get as much fresh fruit and vegtables in my diet and stay away from anything processed.

    I have lost 17lbs in about three weeks and I want to keep the trend going. I don't want my lack of calories to slow me down.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day on average? Your diary is private so I can't see. I am assuming you are eating less than 1200 since that's when MFP gives you the warning, but how much less?
  • On average right around 900.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I have lost 17lbs in about three weeks and I want to keep the trend going. I don't want my lack of calories to slow me down.
    That's over 5 lbs per week. It's normal to lose a lot of weight suddenly initially, but not so much, so consistently. Try to meet your macros, something tells me you don't meet your fat macros. You can cover a lot of calories if you eat foods rich in dietary fat.
  • tblount04
    tblount04 Posts: 2
    I agree, more fat but healthy fats. Avocados are a lot of calories but good fats. Try eating half a mashed avocado on john's whole wheat pita bread with a couple of slices tomato and turkey bacon. That will give you a nice protein, carb, fat combo.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    I have a similar situation. I'm a raw vegan just starting out. My fats are on the high side, my proteins low, calories way low. I'm eating nuts and seeds and avocados. Really not starving! Also lots of baby greens and red bell peppers. I can't believe I used to
    smother red peppers with brie cheese. Today that sounds gross. I've been feeling so unwell for so long. I'm not a person that
    ever felt unattractive, only very unhealthy on junk food. I am noticing though that healthier food tastes better. Also, my tomatoes are almost ready to pick (as well as eggplant and squash) Anyway, I try to heed the notices by adjusting things somewhat. Its really hard to get more calories in when you've replaced bacon pizza and ice cream with almonds cashews and mushrooms!
  • I have lost 17lbs in about three weeks and I want to keep the trend going. I don't want my lack of calories to slow me down.
    That's over 5 lbs per week. It's normal to lose a lot of weight suddenly initially, but not so much, so consistently. Try to meet your macros, something tells me you don't meet your fat macros. You can cover a lot of calories if you eat foods rich in dietary fat.

    Can you give me some examples. I am new to loosing weight in the right way. Along with my eating I am also working out every night. I have one missed two nights in the three weeks I have been working out. With my busy and hectic work schedule I have to find things that are quick and easy. That is why I gravitate to fruits and veggies, I am able to set them on my desk and eat them as a work when I don't have time to sit down and eat.
  • If I am eating all day long do calories really matter.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You only have 38 pounds left to lose according to your ticker. You should be losing 1 pound per week. If you continue to lose weight more rapidly, then you are sacrificing muscle. When you get to your goal weight, you will still have a high percentage of fat and will most likely be unhappy with how you look. In addition, it is not healthy, you can't be getting proper nutrition with only 900 calories a day.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I have lost 17lbs in about three weeks and I want to keep the trend going. I don't want my lack of calories to slow me down.
    That's over 5 lbs per week. It's normal to lose a lot of weight suddenly initially, but not so much, so consistently. Try to meet your macros, something tells me you don't meet your fat macros. You can cover a lot of calories if you eat foods rich in dietary fat.

    Can you give me some examples. I am new to loosing weight in the right way. Along with my eating I am also working out every night. I have one missed two nights in the three weeks I have been working out. With my busy and hectic work schedule I have to find things that are quick and easy. That is why I gravitate to fruits and veggies, I am able to set them on my desk and eat them as a work when I don't have time to sit down and eat.
    Maybe just put a tbsp of olive oil in your veggies? That's 120 calories right there. And some nice unsaturated fatty acids too lol. And if meat is a no-no, then try having soy, cottage cheese, certain pulses, seitan, beans etc. - great vegetarian sources of protein. Your macros are as important as your micronutrients. Foods rich in fats and protein are normally high-calorie. I almost cross my daily goal just trying to meet my protein needs everyday.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    If I am eating all day long do calories really matter.

  • Marlena0708
    Marlena0708 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, Tamlyn. My app says that to me too when I go under 1200 calories. It says that because your body requires a certain amount of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, etc every day in order to function properly. It's practically impossible to meet all of those requirements with an intake of less than 1200 calories (for the average person).

    Have you done the numbers for your protein, fat and carb requirements? Or did you let MFP choose the numbers for you? If MFP chose them, are you meeting them? It's kind of like a jigsaw puzzle - how many grams of protein, fat, carbs do I need per day and what foods am I going to choose to meet those numbers? The game is to eat within your calorie limits AND meet the protein, fat, carb, vitamin, mineral, sodium numbers, too.

    If you've figured out how to get all those requirements met with 900 calories, then don't worry about the app warning.

    It would help if you opened your diary so the rest of us can see where you're at number-wise.
  • rushmama5
    rushmama5 Posts: 49 Member
    That is fast. Maybe it will level out. Sometimes initial weight loss is water too. I'm not sure if they kick you off the website for having
    too few calories for a long time. I think its only if your promoting that approach to others. Personally I'm not trying to have too few calories. I'm interested in the tracking and diary aspect, but what I'm doing is kind of missing the mark with their numbers. Also, I
    want my diary and stats to continue to be private so as not to compare or be compared. I think support is more about inspiration.
    When I first read your post I thought it said 171 lbs in 3 weeks! I had to read it again!:tongue:
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I think that it's important to point out that hunger isn't always the best indicator that you're getting enough to eat. The hormones that our body produces to control our hunger cues can be suppressed by too many things, including prolonged periods of undereating or strenuous exercise. Hunger also won't always tell you if, for instance, you're losing muscle mass or bone density because of poor nutrition. You have to look at the broader picture, including things like energy levels, mood, gym performance, healthy skin and nails, etc.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Eating 900 calories a day and exercising on top of that is HORRIBLE for you OP. I really hope you come to the realization soon of what you are doing to your body right now. The damage you are causing.

    You are not being healthy just because you eat vegetables and your current intake (if your tracking is accurate) coupled with the exercise is dangerously low.

    Right now you are losing weight quickly and my guess would be that weight is only partly fat and the rest muscle. Fat comes and goes but muscle is very hard to put back on. If you eat at such an enormous deficit and what I imagine is very low on protein and on top of that you exercise you are tearing down your muscle and your body is going to catabolize it for nutrients leading to its degredation. You are going to weaken your body and if you keep it up lead to organ damage and bone density loss.


    In comparison by the way I am currently losing 1.3 pounds a week which is about as fast as I am willing to lose given I have about 30 pounds to lose. I am eating about 2100-2200 calories per day.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Not to get to personal but if you have been doing this for a while are you still having periods? That low of an intake coupled with the sort of diet you listed which is fruit and veg basically probably means you are severely anemic if you have been doing that for months. Severe anemia usually results in loss of your period followed by further symptoms such as loss of your hair.
  • Not to get to personal but if you have been doing this for a while are you still having periods? That low of an intake coupled with the sort of diet you listed which is fruit and veg basically probably means you are severely anemic if you have been doing that for months. Severe anemia usually results in loss of your period followed by further symptoms such as loss of your hair.

    Yes I am currently on my period. I have only been counting calories for two weeks now. I started exercising a week before I started dieting. I am not trying to eat too few calories. I am just not sure on how to get my calorie intake while still staying within the range.

    Its like I go from one extreme to the other. Either I am eating fast food all the time and I am huge or when I do start to count calories I am being told its not enough.

    I need help on how to loose weight properly.

    If I could I would go to a nutritionist or a dietician for help but I can not afford it. I can barely afford to be buying all the healthy foods I am currently.

    I haven't quit eating meat, it's just not the heart of my meals anymore. When I cook about 3/4's of my plate are veggies and 1/4 is meat. I have protein shakes, dairy, eggs and nuts almost everyday.

    I am not looking to be "yelled at". I just simply need help.

    I have never done this before, and I need to break the cycle of my weight problems.

    Thank you.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If I am eating all day long do calories really matter.

    Absolutely - food is fuel. Our bodies need calories, carbs, protein, fats, nutrients. Eating too many calories causes weight gain, but consuming TOO FEW can cause problems as well.

    Personally, I aim to eat as many cals as I can while still losing weight. I like being well-fueled for workouts and daily life - for me that means eating 1800-2000 cals a day, which I have no problem doing! :drinker: Sometimes it's all "healthy" foods, sometimes there's ice cream, beer or margaritas. I'm in this for life, so those things will be included on a regular basis, and they fit right into my goals. :smile:

    Don't sell yourself short by eating too few calories.