sunset1004 Member


  • I am 27 years old and 24 weeks with my first. I had been tracking and somewhat faithful with exercise for about a year before becoming pregnant. Unfortunately I stopped tracking and exercising at that point (maybe 5 workouts total in the first 20 weeks). I am ready to get back on track and have been doing stretching and…
  • IronWill, I have read that in extreme cases it is ok to lose during pregnancy, or attempt to stay the same weight, but ONLY if your dr gives you the go ahead. I believe thats for BMIs over 35 or 40, when the risk of the weight is more than the risk of weight loss.
  • April 29th for me and its my first! I don't have my first drs apt/ultrasound until 9 weeks, which is another month away. Did anyone else have to wait that long? I am feeling nervous.
  • I have had the most luck with not tracking exercise at all on mfp and just going with the calorie adjustment sent over from fitbit. When I do activities the fitbit doesn't track well (like weight lifting or biking) I use the fitbit timer and adjust the calories on fitbits website.
  • Eating about 8 cups of vegetables, 5 cups of fruit, 3/4 cup of homemade guac, and a chicken breast cooked in oilve oil over 1 day is over 1200 calories and gives 18% of calories for the day from protein, 33% from fat and 49% from carbohydrates. Plus its 41 grams of fiber. When you eat large amounts of fruits and…
  • Try eating raw for a week or two. I felt amazing when I did this. Just allowed myself a small piece of meat each night since I'm not a vegetarian. Lots of fruit salad and homemade guacamole with veggies to make sure I got fats in. :-)
  • By the end I was running a 12 minute mile. I averaged closer to a 13-14 minute mile for my running intervals for the first half.
  • With Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb or Southwest Chipotle and garlic salt. I eat it on whole grain bread for breakfast. :-)
  • I try to put a reasonable portion on my plate and then put the rest in the fridge before I even take 1 bite. Its just not as tempting if its already getting cold.
  • I work out at home and we don't have barbells. I have been trying to do the deadlifts with the dumbbells, being careful not to let my knees bow inward and imitating the movement described in the book with barbells as closely as possible. Hopefully this isn't going to hurt me in the long run...
  • Eating more may seem like the wrong thing to do if you're trying to lose weight, but for me at least, I lost more weight when I ate around 1600 calories a day and was exercising. I am taller than you at 5'6", so your number may be a little lower than mine, but it really shouldn't be below 1200. Maybe try eating 1400-1500…
  • I typically have more success when I eat around 1600 calories a day. For me, that's what MFP says will take off .5 lb a week and working out in addition to this has given me a 1 lb a week weight loss. Obviously, everyone is different, and this is just what works for me.