

  • Raven miss is right, try weighing yourself in the morning after the bathroom at that time your body has no fluid or food to add weight and that is the most accurate way to weigh yourself. If you usually weigh yourself at night you may be surprised by the difference
  • First off, while losing id suggest that you take EVERY sweet or unhealthy food out of your diet every little bit hurts and its useless calories. Keep your daily food intake at a 50% carbs 25%fat 25%protein keep eating clean meals but try 6 small meals a day (or everythree hours) it helps keep you full all day and your…
  • Try a cheat day sometimes your metabolism needs to get kicked up a bit by getting some bad food. Also try weight training it boosts your metabolism for 48hrs after to increase muscle repair and if i were you id check your body fat percentage to make sure the last few pounds your losing are fat pounds. Sometimes people stop…
  • Certain carbs arent bad, you want to eat complex carbs such as : wheat, vegetables, any whole grain, beans, fruit and avoid any simple carbs such as sugar, soft drinks, fruit juices, maple syrup, honey. Also you want to include fats in your diet eat low saturated and trans fat and try to eat healthy fats. Almonds are a…
  • I would keep your cardio routine try a minimum of 25 of steady running. 50% of your calories burned during cardio are fat calories so that will help you get toned. For strength keep doing 11-12 reps of what ever weight is challenging and alternating but try alternate like this: Day 1- Chest arms Day 2-Legs,Butt Day 3- Arms…
  • I think not having actual meals is the worst thing you can do since most snacks arent very high in the nutrients or your body needs. Also try to exercise 4-5 days a week for 1-2 hours this will improve your weight loss success when you do cardio your body goes into a "calorie burning mode" for about 30 minutes after…
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