

  • I find the best workout partner is your own reflection! Sounds corny, but it fires me up to stand up taller when running and to put more effort in.
  • that's just plain nasty! how can you be using something so far away?! Agree though, i don't like impolite people full stop! My gym seems a bit cliquey, it's the same people every day and they all seem to know eachother. no one tries to make you feel welcome, but i do only go to work out and go. but still, a polite hello…
  • Oh and when people don't wipe the equipment down after using it too, ok sometimes you forget but when you''ve been on the treadmill for 45 mins, it's gonna be covered in sweat! give it a clean - there's paper towels all around the place!!
  • Haha! luckily i haven't noticed anyone do that, yet! These people aren't chatting between sets, they're chatting for like 10/15 minutes about the weekend and stuff like that. I jsut want to get in, do my stuff and get out of there :) One guy was ok when i asked him if i can use the equipment, but this girl today, you could…
  • Hi Boomer, thanks for the tip. Not heard of those before and just goolging them, they'd be perfect to do at home. So I could do that on top of my regular exercise. Fantastic, appreciate your help :)