traveler0623 Member


  • I use ground turkey in chili, tacos, and lasagna instead of ground beef. My husband isn't a huge fan on the taste of turkey so the spices and sauces in them hide it well :) I use the following recipe from off the back of the box of ronzoni healthy harvest lasagna. I also throw in a decent helping of spinach in between some…
  • New Balance Mini Pedometer from Target was only $10 and it tracks your steps, distance, and calories. Plus its pretty tiny so it doesn't look bulky under your clothes :)
  • 1/2 cup water 1 cup frozen fruit - I use Dole Mixed Fruit blend, but you could just use peaches...up to you! 1 banana 2 generous handfuls of spinach Only about 160 calories It will come out green, but you can't taste the spinach at all :smile: