You look AMAZING!!! Congrats on your transformation! You have inspired me!
- You can use this tool and then manually change your calorie goal. That's what I did.
Hahaha this is great XD
Holy crap those three pictures don't even look like the same person! AMAZING!
I just busted out laughing :laugh:
One reason: They think of themselves as "fat guys." My soon-to-be-hubby is not the skinniest guy in the world (neither is he "fat," both of us are kind of in-between) but I fell for him because of his self-confidence, humor, and general all around awesomeness. If a "fat guy" has confidence in who he is, he'll attract…
This right here is full of wisdom. I don't think therapy is going to change whether a person *is* gay or not though. In the end you are what you are and think what you think.
Have the wedding OF THE MILLENIUM. Then honeymoon like, everywhere, pay off all our debts, get set up for life, and then enjoy the rest of my life with my wonderful fiance :)
Do strength training, but start into it SLOWLY. I made the mistake of going whole-hog and doing too much in the beginning and I'm still recovering from complete burnout. Start by doing some pushups and squats, then add in more body-weight strength exercises one by one and don't overstrain yourself. It has to be gradual if…
In whose book is that beautiful child obese?!?!? Don't let those labels mess up her life! Tell her she's gorgeous!
Awww so sweet! Congrats!!!!
So amazing and inspirational, not only how far you've come but that you're teaching your children along the way! Pass on health to the next generation!! You rock!
3 days after I met my sweetheart on we went on our first date. I fell in love with him over dinner and knew he was the one when he kissed me. The connection was completely unmistakable and we've been happy ever since :smile:
For the Horde!! I'm a Horde blood elf mage named Lithiril (or a pandaren monk named WendyWu, depending on what mood I'm in). I love WoW!
"How healthy feels" are the words I substitute :) Great post
THIS is the kind of encouragement people on this site need and deserve. Thank you :)
Here's my opinion--Who cares what other people think? If you know you're not where you want YOUR body to be, then fix it! It's your life, you deserve to be happy and you need to do what makes YOU sleep well at night. Give it your all and get to a place where you're completely proud of yourself :flowerforyou: Congrats on…
Impressive difference!!! Congrats on your progress!
OP, something you should know about people on the internet: Many of them have giant, GIANT egos. Not all, but many. I got the meaning of what you were saying. You should pay attention to more than just calorie intake and make sure you're actually eating healthily. Very good advice!
Bump, I need this motivation!
Huge improvement! Can't wait to get there myself! Keep up the good work!
OP, talk to someone close to you and/or a licensed counselor. If you can't choose between two men it's not a situation to be taken lightly.
If you can do squats and lunges, those work wonders for the bootay :)
It's just a guide for how you should dress your body shape. Not to be taken too seriously ;)
I completely understand how you feel, it looks like we're about the same weight and I lost 15 lbs last year only to gain them ALL back this year :( What you have to do is turn it around and use that displeasure with yourself as MOTIVATION. Let it fuel you into changing your life! Feel free to add me for extra motivation! :)
Pear. Big ole hips and boobies that will unfortunately shrink to teeny tiny as I lose :/
Maybe he turned out this way because he's getting "hate" from you instead of the love a child deserves. I only clicked on this topic because I thought you were being ironic. That is shameful.
Good luck and grats on beginning your journey!
“Why choose between a hamburger and a slice of pizza? If you choose Pepsi Special, you can have both!” *Puke* This planet... ugh... Just why....