

  • I just ask because this morning I did some exercise (just the 30 day shred) then went for a run, and midway through my run I started getting this totally weird feeling in my head like it was swimming and um about to pass out and my vision went blotchy and black. So I was wondering if I was hypoglycaemic cos my breakfast…
  • This article is fab! Thank you nyiballs, check out this article's explanation of why running 2 miles actually burns considerably more cals than walking 2 miles- "The investigators at Syracuse didn't explain why their results differed from a simplistic interpretation of Newton's Laws of Motion, but I figured it out with…
  • Hey, I don't think anorexia/an eating disorder ever completely goes away, that's just the way anorexia is, it's a chronic relapsing and remitting illness. I know this is kind of a controversial view, but it's what I've found to be the truth. I think that's why DSM-5 has "in partial remission" and "in complete remission"-…
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