kiwichick80 Member


  • Oh, cool. Thanks for that. I had just been told milk in general, and to avoid the sugary ones. Makes sense though. Cheers.
  • Hey there. I've wondered the same thing originally, but with some trail and error find that eating at least some of my exercise calories works best. I have found that while i may feel okay and not really need the calories that day, without them i will feel weak and exhausted and STARVING the next day (which stops me from…
  • Heya. Yes you can have meat as long as it's nice and lean (and not cooked in high fat sauces). You need protien, either in this form or something like legumes. I fully understand where you're coming from. It's more a change of habits than a cleanse; more fruit and veges, less ultra-processed rubbish. I need to do the same…