

  • I am a food addict and miserable. I try so hard to control my eating but most times find myself eating all the wrong foods. i wish I had a stronger will power. My life is controlled by food. I am going to attemp something different by placing a colourful rubber band on my left wrist so each time i put something in my mouth…
  • Hi I think what is meant by zero calories is that although an apple will have say 62 calories it would take 150 calories for your body to digest this which would then mean a deficit of say 90 calories and that where the zero comes in. I read this somewhere and it made sense to me.
  • this is an excellent question. I'm at the point of quitting right now. I've been on a pateau for 2 months now, tried changing different things like my exercise and calories but nothing helps. I have tried dieting a number of time now and quit because the results were just not forthcoming. It seemed like a huge waste of…
  • I have the same problem, mine trouble me after i have been resting either sleeping or sitting for long periods glad to see i am not alone. Must mention that this only started after i started doing exercise. Will take all the advice and see if this eases the pain. thanks
  • Hi Thanks to everyone for your input. I think i will make some adjustments like maybe eating a smaller portion. Happy to know i dont have to give them up completely. Thanks again
    in avocados Comment by barbs2fat April 2011
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