

  • Why dont you follow the 5:2 diet, which means fasting twice a week. Over the space of the month this will equal at least 8 days so more than a week of fasting but it has been proven to be a safe and effective way. If you are fasting for a whole week you will push your body into starvation mode and it will cling onto…
  • Oh i mean 2lbs a week obviously! haha
  • Oh this group is just what i need! Is it too late to join? Are we having weekly weigh ins? If so what day? I started weight loss on the 23rd August and I am going on holiday on the 19th December so need to lose another 24lbs by then. 24lbs in 12 weeks is 2lbs a week... do you think this is sustainable?? SW (23rd August…
  • Oh this group is just what i need! Are we having weekly weigh ins? If so what day? SW (23rd August 2012) : 149.6 lbs CW: (26th September 2012): 137.0 lbs (12.6 lbs lost!) GW: (New years eve 2012): 112 lbs