

  • Had a good start to my day and just logged on to write all happy stuff and bamn, a moment changes and puts you in a mood. My friends son lost her leg in a boating accident last year. Practically lost his life. A guy in her dept. just came by in his halloween costume -- scary santa with a severed leg hanging out of his bag.…
  • Happy Thursday … Halloween candy day tomorrow; lets be good! Brenda, can you get up at 5:15 and work out for me too? I am not a morning girl and then adding in exercise; I'll keep dreaming! Cindytw, are you doing the Paleo? My sil swears by it, but I don't think it's in me. I joined a Meetup Group for Women Fitness Buddies…
  • I have today and tomorrow to get 6 miles in …. getting out after I do my updates. down only 5.5?? I think that is great!!!! where are you that there is snow?
  • Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt -- Caramel Macciato flavor. Yum! Great coffee flavor. Going to try with skim milk and protein powder for a shake. But even great alone!!!
  • Hi Hi … well I was ambitious this morning, but then the day happened. No workout at lunch. Had to stay at work til 6, then boss wanted meeting at bar across street so super was martini and chips …. I intended for a good day! BUT… I felt bad getting home, pitch dark out and grabbed my flashlight and still did my 30 minute…
  • Sorry about the kitty Maureen :( The Vita Muffin Tops can be found in the frozen food section near bagels, etc. They come in blueberry, chocolate (which tastes like a brownie!), corn, apple and a few other flavors. Today I am working out 2x as I only did a slow paced walk with the dog yesterday so feel as if I didn't work…
  • HAVE FUN LISA!!!!!!!
  • Happy Monday all (if happy and monday even belong together!) Cindytw, not fun on pipes and mold -- good luck with that :( Stacking wood is a great workout so keep that in mind. Hope your sleeping turns around. Maureen, nice to see you again. Crazy week for you! Is that roof covered or do you have to pay again? how…
  • Kudos to all of you that work out in the morning. I stay in my flannel sheets as long as possible!!!! :) Lisa, glad you are okay. Brenda I did alright - not as good as I exaggerated in my postings, but much better than the old me. The only extra I had was a piece of apple pie. But I'm okay with it, as I said I did 3-fold…
  • MichelleV1990 - the mac n cheese was great --- thanks!!! Julia, that chicken sounds good -- have you made it? How spicy is it?
  • Just turned this on in the crockpot!!!! Bringing to family gathering tonight. Thanks for sharing!
  • this sounds yum! (and a little fatty, but hey!!!) :smiley:
  • Brenda, your son sounds so cute! How sweet :) Enjoy your run today! I will do good at the party today. Found out the menu got worse - mac n cheese, fried chicken, calzone and salads. So…… I'll eat before I leave, take a small piece of calzone and have some salad. I'll make it work. Again, if I tell you all, I'll stick to…
  • Happy FRIDAY!!!! Lisa, glad you got to run outside yesterday - and that your moto was that you were going to run no matter where!!! Brenda, cool idea to watch video while running! I ended up doing JM 30 day shred yesterday to have something different - she always makes you burn!!! Have my niece's bday party this weekend…
  • Hi Hi …. Didn't get to the gym today :( First day back at work after 3 days off so was a bit crazy. Figured if I logged in now, added my foods and admitted I didn't work out, I'd feel guilted into a dvd :) About to log and then I'll do my dvd - don't want to, but know I'll feel better after. Thanks for the accountability!
  • It came out good! Link below -- I made 1 change in that I browned the hamburger first, I'm extremely leery of not browning hamburg before it goes in crockpot. Everything else I followed to the T. Yum!
  • making 'lasagna soup' as I write … if it comes out good, I'll share the recipe!!!
  • Morning! Cindytw, ha ha on the stab your eye out …. I bet if worse came to worse ;-) Today is horrific outside - flash floods everyone. Literally saw 2 pumpkins floating down the road this morning!!! Brought my workout clothes so will hit the gym at lunch. They have this machine that is a cross between an elliptical and a…
  • How's everyone doing on their goals? So far I'm on target to complete all, but can't skip any walk/runs or I won't make the 50 miles. Hope you're all doing great!!!
  • Hello … today was my lazy day. Rainy, cold and last day off of work so used it to nap, laundry and get Noah some new tires. I just packed my workout clothes so I can get some gym time in tomorrow as I won't be able to run as it's 1 more day of rain. So Cindytw, thanks for giving me the lazy day idea ;-) Tmrw; let's kick…
  • Lisa 2:45 is AWFUL! So sorry!!! Do not be self conscious at all - you are there and doing amazing so keep it up and enjoy your time at the gym. Everybody has to start some place :) Brenda, glad you had some time with your son; enjoy those moments; they go by so fast! The Buns of Steel is working -- my glutes are hurting'!…
  • Lisa - Mama Mia sounds so fun - hope you went!!! Brenda, good luck with JMBR, I have that but never got past week 3 last year. This summer I've built up stamina with the running so maybe once the cold hits, I'll try it again. I just bough the 80's "Buns of Steel", ha ha, but the reviews were just recent on Amazon, saying…
  • hello! Back from TN late last night. Had a great time, but boy is it hard to eat healthy down south!!!! I did okay, not awful, not where I would want to be, but okay. I didn't get any workouts in :( so have some extra to do this weekend. Just saying hi … have a lot of emails to catch up on. I'll try to check in over the…
  • Welcome back Cindy! Glad you had fun …. start working on those 6 today and don't worry about the past -- it was needed and deserved!! All, I just logged in to say a quick hi/bye before I head out for the week. Traveling to TN for work tomorrow, back on Friday. Will dance a lot to help burn those extra calories. I'll keep…
  • Happy Thanksgiving Maureen!!!! So strange it's a month apart - but I agree turkey dinners are heavenly. And I will also enjoy the pumpkin pie -- my fav!!!!
  • Happy Monday Morning! I say that like Monday Mornings are so fabulous ;-) Had a wedding last night, who gets married on a Sunday night?!?! Made getting up this morning no so easy. And tmrw I have an early flight to TN so another early morning. But I'll make it all work! This will be crazy for me with travel … hoping to eat…
  • Ha Ha … love it! Once in a while, it's okay!!! :) thanks for posting soon!
  • Happy Saturday. Rainy and miserable here. Guess it's good I told you all I cleaned my basement out. Ha Ha. Woke up for 10 and still had the cleaning bug in me so just went through the house and cleaned. So happy I did … it looks great and feels great. Eating brunch now and then will shower. Will do a basement workout this…
  • Wow on that dead lifts Lisa -- amazing!!!! Sometimes a run just isn't us, don't worry about it and just make up for it tomorrow; you are doing great with everything. If you feel a trend in that, switch it up with a cardio dvd, zumba or something. I didn't get to run today as I saw Gone Girl -- great movie! I read the book…