Dedulaney Member


  • Will do, thank you.
  • Kinda my own developed plan right now based on a lot of what I've read actually. I run 3x a week based on my schedule so that I can also do strength training on the days I don't run. Currently it's 1 day with sprints for about 2-3 miles, 1 day steady pace with no intervals for 3-4 miles, 1 day long run. Over the weeks I…
  • Yeah I had actually figured that it was too fast, especially since this is just near half the distance for the race in February. I know I'm going to add to my mileage with time but I wanted to see how it felt if I didn't take any walk intervals at all (since my long runs in the past all included walk intervals) but instead…
  • Well that answers that! I just decided to give it a whirl and ran my long run today doing the intervals at 3:1 with a brisk but not too hard pace for the 3 minutes and a slower pace for the 1 min with no walk intervals. Was able to do 7.5 miles (my longest distance for a long run yet!) at a pace of 8:50 min/mile. Didn't…
  • Sorry, bad wording on my part. I was meaning that when I take the short walk interval, it was to have a small recovery. I felt like if I were to slow down my pace but not actually go into a walk that I wouldn't get the same recovery I needed in order to keep going forward with the longer distance.
  • So really slowing down my pace enough will make it where I could run 7-8 miles without taking a walk interval. I guess I never realized how much that could affect it, it always felt like if I was slowing down the pace but still in a run/jog mode recovery isn't really occurring.
  • So more like fartlek running? I have yet to figure out how to optimize that method.
  • Makes sense. It just seemed at first that if I were to start a run with the 3:1 run walk ratio, it'd be geared towards really long distances, otherwise starting that way could drastically affect my pace. I guess if anything I can just give it a try and see what happens with pace. Just always hate feeling like I wasted a…
  • I did lower from doing 3 long runs to the 2 sprint style runs a week and I have enjoyed them, but maybe doing a mile jog and mile of sprints is still getting too close to becoming another long run.
  • Currently I run 5-6 miles on my long runs at a 9:30 pace and do sprint runs over 3-3.5 miles. For my intervals (not including my walking warm-up/cool-downs) I currently run 15 min, walk 2, run 7, walk 2, run 7, etc. for my long run days and run 1 mile, sprint intervals of 30 sec. on 30 sec. off for a mile-mile and a half,…
  • Don't forget how important stretching is. Single knee to chest laying flat on your back as well as double knee to chest are stretches I do for my back every day. Be sure to look up the proper form for a visual so you can do them safely. However! Given how long you've been dealing with the pain, I would also recommend…
  • 5Ks are great because it's getting you in the positive environment and lets you run with others in various levels of fitness. It's not about just gauging yourself or against others but about completing something as best you can with others wanting the same goal. It can be a great motivator, both after racing and training…
  • I thought about doing it that way sometimes but I could tell I was going to set myself up. Kind of like with exercise, if I were to put off finishing a goal to the next day, the procrastinating would stack against me. So what's working for me now is logging only when I have the food with me or after I eat it while trying…
  • It's about finding the right method for your own body to building the endurance. I started with C25K when I was pushing 250lbs. I more or less finished it but kind of got into my own groove for running intervals. This way, I was pushing myself to gain endurance and strength based on how my body was responding. Otherwise,…
  • I keep wishing I could find them on better sales because they are my absolute favorite protein bar. Minimal ingredients, great protein, carbs are fantastic (over 15g of the carbs being fiber!), and lower in calories for the protein you're getting. I eat one after every strengthening workout I do. I'd eat one after all my…
  • I live right on the Gulf coast in the US where the heat is currently about 95-100 midday with 80% or more humidity, so running around 6am or at 8pm is absolutely necessary for me to even complete my run. I used to run in the late afternoon when it was cooler outside but I had to adapt. No matter what hour though, I'm…
  • Many thanks! Now I just need to get a decent pair of trail running shoes and someplace TO run around near my house XD
  • That all makes perfect sense actually! Thank you very much for the feedback. I could always determine if the WOD fits into my goals and then go for it, see how I feel after it. I just know my past mistakes with exercise and didn't wanna set myself up for thinking "Yeah this is totally intense!" and not actually get…
  • I also get amazed at restaurants and their versions of things that are commonly healthier. Balsamic vinaigrette in my fridge? 20 cals a serving. Same kind of dressing at a local restaurant? 150 cals a serving. I've gotten to where I pretty much look up everything possible.
  • I've thought about trying my hand at making my own protein bars, just never really went past the "that'd be kinda cool" stage. I may hafta consider it more seriously now.
  • Well, that's easy enough then! Heh thanks for the heads up, helps me a great deal.
  • For me it's been the surprise in the amount of servings. Something I don't think is very much and should be healthy ended up being 2 or 3 servings. It racks up fast! Muffins are actually one of those things I avoid eating a lot of the time with the hidden amounts stuffed in them. Also gotta moderate the amount of nuts. As…
  • You'll get used to using it daily. After awhile, it kind of becomes habit to just log in and keep track and it's definitely proven to be quite handy.
    in New here! Comment by Dedulaney June 2014
  • Setting any kind of goal, even smaller short-term goals, really helped me in getting started with exercising. Just getting out the door and having music going, I would hang on to the thought of progress. After some time, I was able to start C25K and just kind of went from there. You can do this! You've made great decisions…