Lower Back Pain - Help

Any suggestions on how I can sustain my workout routine while dealing with lower back pain? I have had a bad back for about 20 years, since I was 17, and it comes and it goes. Every time it acts up I stop everything I am doing and have to start over again. This time around I am refusing to give in because I realize the older I get the harder it is to get back into it. I have been running for about 8 weeks now and my back just started bothering me last week... I was hoping it was just menstrual related and would go away on it's own, but the muscles on the right side of my back are locked up and I can't bend at my waist without feeling like I am going to pull my back out completely. I have continued to walk and run with less intensity, but have had to give up my squats and planks as they both put strain on my back. Any thoughts on how I can loosen up those muscles and relieve the sciatic pain without giving up my workout completely???


  • nailer60
    nailer60 Posts: 12 Member
    Running puts a lot of stress on your back , the pounding, I have a bad back 30 plus years as a carpenter and four herniated disc. I found riding my mountain bike seems to work for me and helps my core muscles. After a workout trade off cold and heat. When you start to work out , stretch warm up slowly. Good Luck
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi there.
    Same problem here several years ago. Strength training and yoga were the solution. Talk to your doctor or/and see a physical therapist to get you safely on your way!
    Good luck!
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    Don't forget how important stretching is. Single knee to chest laying flat on your back as well as double knee to chest are stretches I do for my back every day. Be sure to look up the proper form for a visual so you can do them safely. However! Given how long you've been dealing with the pain, I would also recommend talking with your doctor or a physical therapist. Perhaps your form is a little off with the exercises and that's leading to the added stress? Hard to say given the numerous variables involved with low back pain, which is why a good doc or PT can really help. :)
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    Yeah I hear you. I just started seeing a PT last week for my back pain because it's been nearly constant for months now. But I refuse to let it stop me so I've been powering through it. I'd like to get it worked out obviously. They have me doing some very yoga-type exercises for it. Not sure if it's helping yet but it hasn't quite been a week. I'll try to report back.
  • Ryanna77
    Ryanna77 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback/advice. I have set up an appointment with a chiropractor for next week, which I had been putting off since I recently moved away from the one who I had been seeing for 7 years. I will admit I am not always the best about stretching, so I guess I will start there. :embarassed:
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    This stretches the right side of your back, when you bend to the left.


    Hold it for 30 seconds.

    If the chiro doesn't help in a few sessions, see a PT.