

  • Feel free to add me & anyone else for that matter! :)
  • Feel free to add me & anyone else for that matter! :)
  • I'm trying to adapt to this lifestyle. I tend to have the "oh well" approach if I happen to indulge in food that I know for a fact doesn't provide any nutritional value to my eating regime.
    in Diet Comment by Requisite April 2011
  • When I hit a plateau, I lower my daily caloric intake or exercise more (generally, add longer intervals to my cardio). When you lose weight, your body won't need as many calories as it previously needed when you weighed more. Have you tried interval training before (HIIT)? It's a great plateau buster! You can read more…
  • Just think of how good you'll feel afterwards, albeit it's weight training or cardio. Also, dwindle it back down to the reasons why you want and need to workout in the first place :) Personally, I always go back to my long-term goal with the knowledge that 'time' is my biggest enemy.