MissNayMalmoe Member


  • When confronting a person with a chronically loose colon, you must always use extreme caution. They tend to suffer from denial regarding their finicky O-rings and can become quite belligerent when cornered. This is where things can get dicey. It seems to me you did well for the most part. I would now use avoidance tactics…
  • Well played.
  • I might have made that part up...
  • Well, I can offer you an hour in the life scenario. I seriously hurt back last night and the minions can smell my weakness. After a 13 minute journey to the floor, my toddler son detected the radar signal apparently activated when my butt touched a comfortable surface, and somehow evaporated. I miraculously pulled myself…
  • Sign me right the heck up, then!
  • Mikki, I am going to share a story with you I have never told anyone else. I frequented a farm a few years back that had the absolute most beautiful man working there I had ever seen. We passed each other between barns and he asked how I was liking the farm. As my eyes met his I felt as though I was diving into a pool of…
  • It very well could be the Ibuprofen, but to be safe, I would go have labs drawn to find out if you have any vitamin deficiencies. One thing you don't want to have happen is to have worked so hard and deplete your body of what it needs and become less healthy. I had what looked to be bruise splattered paint all up and down…
  • It can be tough to get and stay motivate, so surround yourself with people who can and will lovingly hold you accountable and encourage you when you need it. It can be a struggle even in a group but having that support system really helps. Also, set mini goals. My total required weight loss is about 85 pounds, which is…
  • Is it harmful if we don't eat our extra earned calories? I was under with my workout calories but was nervous it over calculated them. To be safe, I didn't eat the extras.
  • See, this is what I am dealing with. I have 60 pounds to go, and I am set at 1200 calories per day through the MFP calculator. I'm hungry a LOT. Sadly, after my week of 1200 and doing 4 cardio sessions, I gained 2 pounds. I am not sure I understand what in the world I am doing wrong. This is my first time tracking food as…
  • So, I am just going to hop on here and say this: Everyone's bodies are totally different on what they need to thrive and be strong and healthy. Because of my obesity and my low activity level following the injury a few years ago, I am only to take in 1200 per day. My doctor and I came up with a plan and I am working on it.…
  • I have 80 and I am just starting. I would love the support as the people here that say they will keep bringing me ice cream and things. It makes it hard lol. I am on my first week of my fitness pal so I am not sure really what to do.