merith101 Member


  • I'm restarting again too. I lost weight before my 40th and in the past decade have gradually gained weight and I'm heavier than ever. I'm 50 next year and determined to do it, for my health and my self esteem. I joined a gym, I walk with my border collie, I swim, stopped drinking, and now I'm focusing on careful eating.
  • I play harp. I didn't think it would count towards exercise at all, but possibly similar to piano..
  • Helmann's light mayo and low sugar/salt ketchup, and just a teaspoon amount, no more.
  • I don't do cheat days. I do have the occasional bad day, but generally if I want to eat something I really shouldn't, I skip something else or do extra exercise.
  • Together 18 years, married for 12 :-)
  • If that's your meal, then I can't see why not, so long as your daily intake is adjusted accordingly. Eggs are great. You could probably go without the mozzarella though?
  • I do that. And I also tend to end the day 200 calories (ish) below my goal. I err on the side of under estimating and think that if I'm a few cals under that's better than being over. It must be impossible to get the goal exactly every time. Occasionally if I'm over, I don't stress because I know I'm usually under and it…
  • Once a week, first thing in the morning before breakfast.
  • The thing I like about doing it this way, is that there are no forbidden foods and the effort you put into exercise is worth it because you can have an extra treat. I'm seeing this as a lifestyle change, not a quick-fix diet. It's about changing bad habits into good ones. So far it's working for me and I'm sure it will for…