Ali_Fan_1979 Member


  • If you can stick to it, go with god. I tried it and just couldn't do it, the discipline requirements were very high, and the organization levels higher. Now, Having said that- I have friends who are regular partakers and they look amazing! Thinner, Healthier and Younger. (I don't know what I chose to capitalise) Anyway, I…
  • I'm quite new to this, but there are patterns there that will drive you crazy already evidently. If you binged yesterday, why would you way yourself today? Is that not just looking for punishment. Emotional Eating has an Emotional cause, you need to address that friend, what hole/vacuum are you plugging up with food?…
  • Hello, First congratulations on choosing to do this! I recently found myself in your position, I sped through C25K- and then "hit the wall" like you, with a course a few short weeks to go. So, did you hit the wall physically or energy/stamina wise? For me it was leg pains/cramps that would force me to stop, not heavy…
  • Thank you (I think) I don't know where pro-Ana comes in, but I would tend to agree with you, there are no shortcuts or magic pills in anything. Thanks for your words.
  • Hi. I tried WW somewhere in my past, I found myself relying more and more on the products they were selling, and that to me was not what I wanted- I enjoy cooking too much to keep buying premade meals because work went over. Thanks for responding.