

  • I don't know, I watch the walking dead, and it seems like that would be great for any diet. Lack of food and all :)
  • I've just started adding a lot of protein drinks to my diets. I'm working on pull ups I still have to "descend" only but I'm curling 40 lbs. I've noticed a strength and endurance increases already. I curl more and can do almost 50 push ups. I need to start going to the gym, that's one habit I have to get myself into. It…
  • Building muscle, that I wont mind, and to the previous poster, I"m drinking protien shakes and eat mostly lean meats. I do need to work on fiber. The goal is to look good, I'm usually obsessed with numbers but I'll settle for 200 if I look like I'm in athletic shape. I can always continue losing the weight after my goal…