michab108 Member


  • I've been thinking hard about my whys. Here's my list: 1. To stay healthy and avoid the condition my sister is in. 2. To have more energy and feel better everyday 3. I want to feel more comfortable in my skin 4. Spend less on clothing 5. So I can comfortable travel again 6. To love my arms and thighs again 7. So I can…
  • Ribeye, kosher salt, pepper, and a dash of garlic herb seasoning. Hard sear to both sides, little pat of butter melted on it, and done. I like it basically raw in the center. KC Strip is my second choice, and sirloin the third. I love steak with a selection from the olive bar at the grocery store and some fresh bread to…
    in Steak Comment by michab108 June 2014
  • I'm looking to lose about 120. I've only got 5 so far, lol. It's going to be a long journey.
  • I found this topic this morning and have been reading, re-reading, and thinking about it all day. The why is so important and I'm not sure I have any serious whys. There is definitely thinking to do. I'll be back.
  • I'm in the same boat. In past years, I've been down anywhere from 50-60lb from my current weight. I seem to put it back on to the same weight and then start over. I've been lucky in that my close friends have always noticed my weight loss and commented positively on it. I've struggled with diets and workout schedules, but…
  • Valid points about excuses, and some great advice on small things that I can use to help with motivation. Thanks, everyone!
  • My two cents: There's nothing wrong with experiencing hunger. It often is a sign that your metabolism is chugging along at a good clip. You mentioned spreading your meals out. I've found that if I eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, small meals comprised of both protein and carbs, and drink in between, the hunger, while there, is…
  • Manda, that could very well be. I have that problem with any number of things. I learned that if I include protein powder with my snacks (I used to do a shake with fruit and protein powder), I stop losing weight altogether, and it only takes once a day. Overall, heavily processed foods suck for me. I end up with lots of…
  • Manda, if you go to the forums, they can be a little tough to find from provida's homepage. the address is forums.provida.com. Yes, I have rice on my list of OP foods, but I prefer brown rice to white and I picked up some small and super delicious sweet potatoes at the farmer's market this weekend, just the right size. I…
  • I've had similar problems with dating. Guys who say they are interested, then stand me up. The reality is, you have no control over them. They are going to do what they are going to do. All you can do is be you. If they aren't interested, that's their problem, and you are better off without them. I know that I'm a great…
  • I'm an A, so it sucks just a bit, but totally worth it. I made it almost entirely OP with my food today and did more water than the plan calls for. Didn't quite make my cardio goal, but I'll get there. How about you? Do you have any questions? I've used this plan since 2005. Have you been on the Provida forum? There aren't…
  • I've done 6WBMO off and on for years! Glad to see someone else here. I just started again today. I love it! I always let myself get too busy to cook, but the results are great when I stay on track.
  • I've found that sugar free gum in my favorite dessert flavors works well. Extra makes lemon bar, root beer float, key lime pie, peach cobbler, strawberry shortcake, mint chocolate chip and orange dreamsicle. Also, try mashing up fresh fruit and putting it in the freezer. Before it gets totally frozen, it's like eating ice…
  • I'm new here and would love some friends! :) I'm a chef by trade, and I love modifying recipes to be low sodium, low sugar, gluten free, whatever is needed. Hit me up if you have food or nutrition questions. There's nothing I love more than talking food.
  • I am absolutely not a fan of exercise. So, I've found little ways to make it more enjoyable. First, I've been doing my cardio in 20 minute increments, using a walk-at-home video. If the weather is really good, I'll walk outside but always, always, always take music. There are tons of exercise albums that fit different…
  • I think the trick to eating out is being that annoying, picky customer. If I eat out, I'll generally get a salad, but with grilled chicken, even if the salad comes with fried, dressing and cheese absolutely on the side (I usually actually sub salsa or slices of lemon for dressing and go without cheese), and no croutons. If…
  • I've been there many times. For me, I found the trick to getting back on the wagon was being nice to myself. Sometimes it's too overwhelming to do food and exercise together, especially when you are already feeling down. I've found that if I just get the eating more or less under control, and then move on to the exercise,…
  • Love to join if there's still space.
  • First thing Monday morning, after I've showered and whatnot, and before breakfast. I don't like to weigh every day because then I obsess about the number.
  • I've always loved cream and sugar in my coffee, but given that I've recently learned that dairy and I don't agree, I've had to nix the cream. It's tough. For the summer, I'm going to start brewing a big pot of coffee and keep it cold in the fridge with a bit of SF caramel syrup.
    in Coffee !! Comment by michab108 May 2014