rperryspct Member


  • I USED to have problems here, but no more! The single leg heel drops are key and foam rolling is key. The previous posts are correct - not just the problem area, but all the way up the legs into the thighs and glutes. Here is key number 3: Before any length run I walk for 0.5mi (leisurely), followed by stretching. After…
  • It all depends on the carb - I try to stay below 100g per day, but if I have a big fat apple as afternoon snack (which might have 40g of carbs all by itself), I'll cut myself a break. I try to be really strict with the carbs related to processed foods (crackers, cookies, and other sugar-added stuff). Just gotta play around…
  • The biggest, fattest, juiciest apple I can find usually does the trick for me...100-150 calories, natural sugars for energy boost, and lots of fiber to keep you full for a while. My only other piece of advice - eat another full meal of protein and veggies instead of snack...your calorie count will thank you later!
  • Stevia here for coffee - try not to add sugar to anything else, but will gladly consume it in the form of cookie or chocolate or cake or, well, you get the picture!
  • I'd agree with jacksonpt also - eat them all back to start...especially since your daily goal is only 1200 cals. One a side note...I wouldn't drop much lower than 1200 cals, even on days you don't workout - gotta keep the body strong!
  • Read Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD. I didn't go Wheat Free as he suggests, but this book was key for me in understanding how the body reacts to carbs - it really helped me set some initial goals when I started my journey to a healthier lifestyle.