

  • Hey all, I hope everyone is doing well and continuing their momentum. I had a couple day set back a week ago, but that was a week ago and in the past !!! I have found that it takes more energy to focus on the negative and things I can not change ( the past ) than focus moving forward...so move forward it is :)
    in Hello!! Comment by wrknman1963 June 2014
  • You look great !!!, Congrats on your progress and keep smiling :)
  • Hey all, Welcome everyone and it is always good to have friends. I've been using myfitnesspal for going on 3 weeks I think....and the thing that I find really helpful is that you can see what you are bringing in w/o counting calories. The only thing I'm not too sure about is when I enter the cardio minutes on the…
  • Brigm1, you are on your way too...you are here taking control like the rest of us
  • Brigm1, I went on the diet/workout plan titled "Body for Life". It was a good program. I do not binge eat...I probably have exchanged that for grazing. Not proud but true. One thing that the Body for Life program taught me was that if you reduce certain foods for extended periods...your body begins to crave them and before…
  • I think the most difficult thing about our age group ( I hate to think that I am in the middle of it ) but I look in the mirror and ask what happened?...it just seems like yesterday I was 25...hmmmm...I digress. It is carving out the time for our selves and during that time mentally disconnecting so we can focus on…
    in Hello!! Comment by wrknman1963 May 2014