

  • I started taking Phen 4 days ago and noticed right away I had more energy but also have not been able to sleep as well at night. I basically feel like I am on a caffeine high that does not go away all day long. I also have noticed that I sweat much easier. On day two I went to the gym for my normal workouts and noticed my…
  • my opinion is your numbers are inflated. I go for 30 min walks with my dog on a path that has some mild inclines and declines I use map my fitness on my android phone to track it. My total distance is 1.5 miles for an average of 3 mph. MMF calculates my calorie burn to be about 150 calories. On my Gym days 2-3 per week I…
  • Great first step. It is a lot easier when you are young than waiting till you are old and done irreversible damage to to your body and organs from years of neglect.
  • Its working for me. In 36 days I have lost 13 lbs. I cut most of the fried foods and watching my calories every day. I also use Protein shakes to supplement my protein intake. Portion control and patience. So far its all good. I never dieted all my life @ 60 yrs old it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks but this has…
  • I just signed up with PF and they were very helpful. The first time I was there the guy at the counter gave me a few pointers and then I signed up for a person exercise plan session. There were two of us but the other person just wanted a few new things added to here old routine . So I got about 45 min of one on one help…
  • I am using Body fortress Whey Protean shakes or smoothies as My breakfast most days.
  • I have to have a goal that is attainable yet sufficiently difficult to keep focused. I also Know that as I loose more it will become more difficult to maintain a high continuous and sustained weekly weight loss. i think the first 30 lbs will happen more quickly than the next 20 lbs. If i am unable to meet my original goals…