

  • Just keeping at it is the biggest thing – our bodies respond differently for all sorts of reasons, including weather and other life circumstances. Also, be careful not to eat too little! 1200 calories may be just fine for you, or it may be so low that your body actually holds on to weight – it depends on how much you…
  • Interesting, and good to know. I'll stick that in my information base – appreciate it!
  • It really depends on what exactly your goals are and how heavily you're going to use it. I used a Timex Ironman heart-rate monitor for about the first year and some change I used a HRM, and it probably would have been fine for a basic exercise regimen. I pushed it pretty hard, though: lots of long workouts in the heat (I…
  • Also, your body reacts when you start exercising, or even just add different kinds of exercise to your routine (e.g. adding cardio when you've only been doing weights, or vice versa). It has to figure out how to allocate the nutrients again – it's learning, too, just like you are mentally. As well, you will hit bumps along…
  • Runkeeper for fitness. Any.DO for to-do lists (gorgeous interface, good functionality). Evernote – I take all sorts of notes in this, from web design and engineering brainstorms to my teaching notes for the Bible study I lead to pictures of random things I like to ideas for poems. Dropbox for easy access to files – I can…