

  • I know how you feel. Once I really got into working out I became addicted. I wanted to work out even when I was tired. I couldnt sit at my desk for long periods of time because I just wanted to jog or some thing. Soon I started walking to lunch and riding bike to work just so I could get some energy out.
  • I keep hearing about the 30 day shred, I hear good things about it. I honestly dont like videos so I joined the Y BTW I love the Y, no one there makes me feel uncomfortable.
  • Good luck! I cant wait to hear how its going. Remember that it not always the numbers that count but how working out can make you feel. I havent lost much weight but boy I love the fact that I can at least walk to the park with my kids and not be out of breath.
  • Get her a subscribtion to fit pregnancy. I loved reading the articals, I had a high risk pregnancy and wa so upset I couldnt workout though. My girlfriend walked miles while pregnant and climded the stair at the local college.
  • I do the elliptical at the gym or some times I run (YUCK) It really depends on what you like. I noticed that I give up if I really dont like what Im doing so I try to switch it up often. One thing I really love is weights, first- you can watch TV while your doing them, second- I feel so cool when I can left more then…
  • I am so glad to see that there are other people out there that cant stand water. I had such a hard time starting to drink water, but now that I do I feel dehydrated easily if I dont sip on it all the time. I always add lemon to it though, I dont notice it feeling me up though but I started working out the same time I…
    in Water Comment by jesinsocal April 2011